Autograph Album of Mary Roff 1843


Mary kept this autograph album for over 10 years, and many of the inscriptions were by friends and relatives well before her Seminary days. It seemed like it was her way of gathering addresses so that she could write to people, as well as an opportunity for her friends and family to wish her well before she travelled. The album was not compiled in chronological order. I only transcribed the student inscriptions, and I present those in the order in which they appeared in her album. There were a number of poems and letters placed inside the book as well that are also not transcribed.

The student inscriptions were all written in February of 1843. It appears that Mary is on her way to missionary duties in Persia. Several inscriptions are from students at the Seminary who had graduated a year or two earlier and were now teaching at Mount Holyoke. Several other inscriptions are from her teaching job in Jacksonville Female Seminary in 1845, where she met up with Seminary classmates. A few notations were added in pencil, like last names if the woman signed only her first name or initials, or a married name. I added these in brackets in the inscriptions here.

Open her album