The Brook
There are several brooks called "The Brook", as far as I can tell. There's the brook between Upper and Lower Lake, over by present-day Willits. And there is Stony Brook, which passes out of the campus from the walkway between Pratt and the Mandelles. Both brooks are pictured here.
The Images
All cards are available with both front and back scans, and comments about what is written on the front or back, either by the user or by the publisher, are included below.
- Stony Brook
- front "Stony Brook, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." Inscription: "Had a 3 hour exam just now, and haven't any brains left. I'm most sure I failed. Never mind about the Livy, Dad got me one for Books I & II I'll write to you Sunday. E. L. U. Box 387"
- back Undivided back, postmarked Sep 29, 1905 10am in South Hadley. Transit mark Sep 29, 1905 12midnight in Springfield Mass.
- Brook between Upper and Lower Lake
- front "South Hadley, Mass. Brook between Upper and Lower Lake, Mt. Holyoke College"
- back Divided back, postally unused, stamp box. Published by Glesmann Bros., South Hadley, Mass. #34620 Made in Germany.
- The Brook
- front "The Brook" Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
- back Divided back, unused, stamp box. Made in Germany for C. Gridley & Son, South Hadley, Mass. #S 872038
- Stony Brook
- front "Stony Brook, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass." Inscription: "This is an awfully pretty place, quite near my archery field."
- back Divided back, postmarked Oct 31, 192? 5:30pm in South Hadley. Published by A. S. Kinney, South Hadley, Mass., and the Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. "Friday P.M. Dear Mammie, I got Mother's letter so I know you got home all right. While I am writing this, my roommate is shingling Louise Nelson's hair. We have our first class meeting this afternoon and also draw numbers for Junior Show. We are going to have a Hallowe'en party Monday night and dress up. Lots of love, Lina."
- A Pretty Scene
- front "A Pretty Scene, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
- back Undivided back, unused, stamp box. Published by Glesmann Bros., South Hadley, Mass. #A 3387
- The Brook
- front "G1761 The Brook, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." Photo only, Copyright 1906 by E. T. Scott. Published by E. T. Scott. Inscription: "Dear Bessie.- I received your welcome letter. I will tell M.H. Helen said she would write. We passed this place the other day. With love From A.E.F."
- back Undivided back, stamp box, addressed, but never mailed. Made in Germany.
- Brook between Upper and Lower Lake
- front "South Hadley, Mass. Brook between Upper and Lower Lake, Mt. Holyoke College"
- back Divided back, postmarked Oct 4, 1927 12:30pm in South Hadley. #33863 Published by Glesmann Bros., South Hadley, Mass. Made in Germany. "Monday Dear Uncle Henry, This is a picture of the brook near which we study in the afternoons. Yesterday the upperclassmen in our house gave a tea for the Freshmen. We had a lot of fun. Heaps of love - Frances -"
- Scene at Mt. Holyoke College - The Brook
- front "Scene at Mt. Holyoke College - The Brook" "South Hadley, Mass." Designed by Glesmann Bros. So. Hadley, Mass. Signed: "Helen"
- back Undivided back, postmarked Jun 5, 1909 7am in South Hadley.
- Scene at Mt. Holyoke College - The Brook
- front "Scene at Mt. Holyoke College - The Brook" "South Hadley, Mass." Designed by Glesmann Bros. So. Hadley, Mass. Dated: "October 3, 1906." Inscription: "Dear Mary:- I am having a full time. Spent to-day with Ethel and go to Smith to-morrow. Mary."
- back Undivided back, postmarked Oct 4, 1906 9am in Holyoke, MA. Transit mark is only partially visible.
- First dam Mt. Holyoke College
- front A real photo, labelled: "First dam Mt. Holyoke College"
- back Undivided back, stamp box, unused.
- Untitled Real Photo
- front A real photo of Stony Brook. "Just now I was looking over the cards and I found one that you sent some time ago. You see they all get thrown in together and I don't always know which are for me. This is Stony Brook as I took it last summer. My exams came off the 6th & 7th of June so I will be there the night of the 6th and possibly the next night. There ought to be something doing down to the Lake then. H.E.B. C.C.C. 000001. What?"
- back Undivided back, stamp box (looks like there were two stamp boxes, actually; the stamp is on the left side of the card), postmarked Apr 24, 1904 8pm in Holyoke, MA.
- College Brook
- front "College Brook, South Hadley, Mass." A handcolored image of the bridge near present-day Willits.
- back Divided back, postmarked Jul 25, 1909 11:15pm in Northampton, Mass. Flag cancel with a "1" in the banner. Scott Photo, B. H. #803 Made in Germany. "Thanks for the postal which had me guessing for fifteen minutes as to whom it was from. I am taking a chance on your receiving this but Willimantic isn't very large. J. H. L."
- The Path by the Brook (Winter)
- front "The Path by the Brook (Winter) South Hadley, Mass." An image of the path and bridge near present-day Willits.
- back Divided back, postmarked Feb 23, 1910 10am in South Hadley. C. A. Gridley & Son. #D838 Made in Germany. "Good morning Mother mine: Lots of new snow out here - everything is covered and beautiful to behold. I arrived safely at expected time. Mr. L- met me. Wrote to H- on train; tried to do papers last night but was sleepy & went to bed at nine instead & rose at 5:30 this morning - rather different from Monday! Lots of love and all things good to all Lovingly, R.- February 23, 1910."
- The Path by the Brook (Winter)
- front "The Path by the Brook (Winter) South Hadley, Mass." An image of the path and bridge near present-day Willits. Yes, the image is a duplicate to the previous one, but I can't resist cards that have enough information on them to identify the writer!
- back Divided back, postmarked Aug 30[?], 1910 12midnight in South Hadley. C. A. Gridley & Son. #D838 Made in Germany. "Arrived home safely Sun. evening, landing at two. P. M. Sun. Hope to see you when I get settled in two or three weeks probably as I may not be in my rooms for a little while. Yours with love A. E. Miller"
- 7594 The Brook
- front "7594. The Brook, Mt. Holyoke College, Mass." Copyright, 1900, By Detroit Photographic Co. "Don't you think this is pretty? Helen."
- back Undivided back, postmarked Oct 14, 1905 10am in South Hadley. Addressed to Edith W. Mank.
- 7594 The Brook
- front "7594. The Brook, Mt. Holyoke College, Mass." Copyright, 1900, By Detroit Photographic Co. Similar to previous card, but writing is positioned differently beneath the card, and colors not quite as vivid.
- back Undivided back, stamp box, unused.
- Stony Brook
- front "Stony Brook, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass."
- back Divided back, unused. Published by A. S. Kinney, South Hadley, Mass., and The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY.
- Brook between Upper and Lower Lake
- front "South Hadley, Mass. Brook between Upper and Lower Lake, Mt. Holyoke College"
- back Divided back, postmarked Nov 29, 1910 12midnight in South Hadley. Published by C. A. Gridley & Son, #34017. Made in Germany. "Well, I arrived here safely at 9.00 am. pretty sleepy. Enjoyed my breakfast very much. Finished up the fire after dinner. Have put my hat in the hat box and am going to put the green hat down in my little trunk. How are you to-day? Love, Edith."
- Stony Brook
- front "Stony Brook, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass."
- back Divided back, postmarked Apr 12, 1926 12:30pm in South Hadley. Published by A. S. Kinney, South Hadley, Mass., and the Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. "Thurs. Dear Mammie, When I woke up and saw the world white again I thought it was Christmas! There was no bird walk this morning. I went yesterday and saw many birds - woodpeckers, red winged blackbird, phoebe, purple finch, and so on. Hope we have nice weather this weekend. Love, Lina."
- Brook
- front "Brook, Mount Holyoke College."
- back Divided back, unused. "The City" Post Cards, from photographs made by The Maynard Workshop, Waban, Mass.
- #15 Zoology Brook
- front "Zoology Brook, Mt. Holyoke College Series 15" Real photo.
- back Undivided back, stamp box, unused.
- Views of Mount Holyoke College
- front View of the brook. "Views of Mount Holyoke College by Asa Stephen Kinney, Instructor, Department of Botany, Mount Holyoke College. A souvenir edition of forty-two half tones (cuts 4x6 inches) of buildings and college life at Mount Holyoke, also a brief historical sketch. Price, sixty cents, post paid, United States and Canada. Address all correspondence to Mrs. A. S. Kinney, South Hadley, Mass. Stamps not accepted in payment."
- back Undivided back, postmarked Feb 28, 1905 7am in South Hadley. Transit mark Feb 28, 1905 5pm in Howard, RI; Mar 1, 1905 6pm in Howard, RI; and Mar 2, 1905 1pm in Baxtons River, VT. A Private Mailing Card. Addressed to Miss Mary L Plumb in Howard RI, and forwarded to Westminster West VT.
- Stony Brook
- front "Stony Brook, Mount Holyoke College" Inscription: "Dear Ella - Madalene told me a few days ago that you had been sick for some time. I was awfully sorry to hear of it and wish I had known it while I was at home. I'll write soon and tell you all the news at Mt. H. I'm getting to be quite an old fossil, almost ready to graduate. Dear me! all I can say is 'How time does go!' Elsie."
- back Undivided back, postmarked May 12, 1906 10am in Holyoke, Mass. Transit mark May 12, 1906 4:30pm in Walpole, Mass.