College Inn
The building at 29 College St was built in 1783 (another source says 1785) for the Rev Joel Hayes, who had come the previous year to assist the aging pastor, Rev. John Woodbridge. Two wings, on the north side and on the south side, were added about 1900. A third wing, out to the sidewalk, was added around 1957. It was a private home until Alice Little '02 purchased the building in 1916. She sold it in 1943 to Howard Keyes and Larry Laurence. It had 20 rooms and housed over a half dozen small businesses.
The building was greatly expanded in the 1960s after the College acquired The College Inn in 1962. Romeo Grenier was granted a 25 year lease. Paul Grenier leased it from his brother since 1971, when it had been known as The Coffee Den. A liquor license was granted in 1972. The College Inn burned down in 1985.
There was a building on Park Street that served as the College Inn before 1916. You can see images of that building here.
The Images
All cards are available with both front and back scans, and comments about what is written on the front or back, either by the user or by the publisher, are included below.
- College Inn
- front Untitled
- back Divided back, unused. Published by The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. Handcolored. "COLLEGE INN South Hadley, Massachusetts"
- College Inn
- front "College Inn - at Mount Holyoke College - South Hadley, Mass."
- back Divided back, unused. The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY.
- College Inn
- front "College Inn, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
- back Divided back,postmarked Feb 2, 1928 5:30pm in South Hadley. #A1272 C. A. Gridley & Son. Made in Germany. "Thurs. noon Hurrah! All my exams are over and altho I feel I have covered myself with anything but glory I'm pretty happy. I have a package slip which I'll turn in this P.M. 'spect maybe it's doughnuts. Love, Lina."
- College Inn
- front "College Inn, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass." The year "1783" is penned in over the entrance.
- back Divided back, postmarked Feb 5, 12:30pm in an undecipherable year. Published by The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. "As I do not know your address am sending this in care of Emmett. Am up here for awhile visiting Susette & Bess and am staying at their dear old place. Many houses very old. This one built in 1783 and a number are much older than this. Weather has been wonderful almost like spring. Hope you have been enjoying yourself there lovely days. Have you taken any pictures lately. Sincerely yours C. E. Browes."
- College Inn
- front Untitled chrome of the College Inn and the Campus Shops
- back Divided back, postmarked Jul 17, 1972. "College Inn South Hadley, Mass." Color photo by Robert Grenier. #MA1588 Published by Bromley and Company, Inc., Boston. "July 17, 1972 We had a good trip coming up to Massachusetts. My sister came and we picked me up on her way home from her vacation trip last Friday. Does this card make you feel cool. Love, Helen"
- College Inn Courtyard Cafe and Odyssey Book Shop
- front Untitled
- back Divided back, postmarked Oct 27, 1967[?] in South Hadley. "College Inn Courtyard Cafe and Odyssey Book Shop South Hadley, Mass." #MA-1650 and also #80262 Color photo by Robert Grenier. Published by Bromley and Company, Inc., Boston, Mass. 02210. No zip code on Boston address implies it is pre-1963, but since the sender used a zip code, it must be posted after 1963. "Dear folks, Staying here at College Inn. Got here by 4:00. 91 is a marvelous highway from New Haven. Took a walk around campus S & I both think we'd get tired of girls, girls, girls! Thanks for the good lunch. Give our love to Tim & Chris. Hope they remember "Charlie Brown" tonight. Love, Shirl"
- College Inn
- front Untitled chrome of the College Inn and the Campus Shops
- back Divided back, stamp box, unused. "College Inn South Hadley, Mass." Color photo by Robert Grenier. #MA1588 Published by Bromley and Company, Inc., Boston 15. No ZIP code implies this postcard was produced before 1962.
- College Inn
- front "College Inn, South Hadley, Massachusetts."
- back Divided back, postmarked Apr 22, 1926 12:30pm in South Hadley. "The City" Post Cards, from photographs copyrighted by The Maynard Workshop, Waban, Mass. "Wed. Eving. D. A. F. So far we have arrived whole. We got here this morn - have very pleasant room, with bath in the new part of the Inn. I think we shall stay till Friday. Will you tell Sarah about us. I wrote her from Springfield. Lovingly K."