The Halley's Comet Cards
These are the cards that mention Halley's Comet when it was seen in 1910.
- Mary Lyon Hall
- front "Mary Lyon Hall, Mt. Holyoke College" Yes, this card looks remarkably identical to the previous card, but even though it was a duplicate, I had to buy it for the inscription. "Comet seen Saturday 3:30-4 a.m. naked eye: some 15-20 [degrees] northward of Venus and about same elevation. Can't see it after it gets too light. Thought you would like to know. Got home all right. Love to both. Aunt Tootoo." Check the postmark on the back - it was Halley's Comet she was talking about! In 1910, Halley's was a brilliant sight. I went to South America to see it in 1986, and there was a man traveling with me who was 9 years old in 1910 and remembered Halley's visit back then as quite beautiful and impressive.
- back Postmarked Apr 25, 1910 in South Hadley. Undivided back.
- Porter Hall
- front "Porter Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
- back Divided back, postmarked Jan 28, 1910 7am in South Hadley. #B6083 Published by A. S. Kinney, So. Hadley, Mass. Made in Germany. An Excelsior card. "Jan 27, 1910. Dear sister One exam is over. Was very good. Yesterday went to Holyoke; & to a tea at Miss Young's room (astronomy teacher) and in evening she died. This afternoon cleaned my room & fixed little things. Tomorrow will begin studying for German which comes Sat A. M. I s'pose you have heard about the new comet. Seen further west and nearer the horizon than Venus. I saw a little of the tail last night. Hope it will be clear so I can see it all soon. Lots of love to all - Louise. Comet sets by 6:45 P. M." I like how Louise started to write "1909" in the date, and corrected herself; I also love the mention of Halley's comet!