A South Hadley Mass.
Oct 13. 1870.Dear Cousin E.
I have waited so long for a letter from you as well as every one else who ought to write that I'm so hungry for a letter I can't stand it any longer so I just made up my mind to write to you and see if it would bring an answer.
I expected a letter from home to-night but it did not come and I was quite disappointed but suppose it will come before many days [.] Yesterday was a rainy day and it seemed good to have it wet out of doors once more but was rather gloomy for me for I enjoy such days at home so much that it made me wish I was there.
I must tell you of a little jolly time which four of us who constitute the pie circle had the other day as our leader is going to leave our circle, by the way I'm to take her place so will have to take all the scoldings Mrs. Carroll chooses to give if the crust is not rolled just so just so much butter, sugar, water &c. &c. but I must proceed with my story, as our leader was not going to work with us any more we resolved to celebrate the event so obtained permission of Mrs. Carroll who happened to be in one of her good moods to make a pie for ourselves, after they were baked we went down and picked out the largest we could find and there happened to be one bouncing one, and divided it among us so we had quite a treat. dont you wish you had some? they were pumpkin and very good.
I suppose you have nearly forgotten about the 27th of Sept it was so long ago but it is fresh in my mind I enjoyed myself so much wouldn't I like just a little piece of some of that cake your mother made I brought back a good big piece but it could not last long but was delicious while it did.
I went to walk yesterday and found a few apples which were good to me but I expect you would say they were not fit to eat for they were winter apples. I often think of those who have all they want but when I go home I'm going to lay in a store of good things to bring back with me if possible.
Only think it's only five weeks from next Wed. when it will be vacation but it will be a short one.
Now do answer this soon if you can possibly find time somewhere telling about every thing that's going on. How is Sallie Ann Maria's health very good I hope, how many apples do you have this year? how is your mother, wonder if she has used any of her canned fruit yet? does Jennie go to school? O dear do tell about every thing and everybody so I may feel as if I was right there.
I guess you will think this a queer letter but
Ihope you will over look all mistakes and show your approval of this by answering soonRemember me to all and accept
best wishes from
Cousin Clara.[As recited on the index page for this letter collection, Clara's connection to her cousin Edmund, the recipient of her letters, was revealed by studying the information on family grave markers. The gravestones also revealed Clara's cousin Edmund had a sister named Jennie, who would have been about ten years old when this letter was written.]