A Letter Written on Apr 5, 1870


South Hadley Mass.
Apr 5st 1870

Dear Cousin.

On this the first Tuesday night of the term I thought I would answer your letter received last term[.] We are all torn up preparatory to moving tomorrow, that is we change rooms and have been cleaning our room tonight we expect to remain in the fourth story and think it will be very pleasant.

I arrived here at the proper time safely and have commenced the usual round of duties. My studies are Ancient History and Physiology [with Singing Writing and Gymnastics. the [sic] term is going to be pretty well filled up I dont think we shall be idle much of the time.

The weather has been very pleasant for the last few days much to my gratification. I expect you are busy as ever now spring is opening. but I fear we may have some cold weather yet[.] Last Monday was election I suppose I have heard English is elected but dont know how true it is.

I hope you arrived home safely that night you left our house I enjoyed myself very much while home and only wiwshed vacation was longer I did not go away from home but once all the time and that was to church.

Wed. forenoon. I did not have time to finish this last night so will try to do so now I have just finished my extra work which was wiping in the dining hall in the fthird story, they seem to think I cant do any thing but mop for they keep me at it all the time. I like my daily work very much which is Filling Pitchers.

In a little while there will be a great noise for when the long bell rings we change rooms I think it would be quite a sight for a stranger, girls rushing through the halls with their arms full going from fourth story to basement and the reverse in all directions I shall be heartily glad when we get settled.

We do not hear much news so I cant write any. Write as soon as possible and accept this with all mistakes from

Cousin Clara.