A Letter written on Jan 8, 1937

Madras, Jan. 8, 1937

Dear Abby:

The book was here waiting for me when Edith and I returned from Ceylon yesterday at 6:30 A.M. I am sending you a copy of India Inklings, which has not yet been proof-read and may not be - 'scuse it - which will give you an idea of my activities recently.

Many thanks for the book. I have heard it mentioned and thoughtit [sic] sounded like just the sort of thing I would enjoy, but so far I have not had time, what with taking care of the few fern spores which I collected, teaching my classes to-day, correcting exams left over from last term, and editing a paper. But I look forward to it and thank you m uch. [sic] My friends here will also be grateful - we pass everything around - our system of a Book Club.

Poor Wellsey is still in the hospital and had had to go back to emetine for, the amoebae which were supposed to be gone. When I was there the report was that it was the bacilli which were making all the trouble, but apparently it is still both.

There is no saying when she can sail. She had hoped for the last of January when she finally had to give up the Dec. 30th sailing and write to Vassar that she could be late - how she did hate that. If she still has amoebae she may not be able to sail this month at all. It was a gret [sic] pity that they did not diagnose her properly at the Rainy Hospital in August; it would have saved more than two months.

Neither of my vacations turned out to be what was planned but they were both very profitable. It looks now as if the Darjeeling Sikkim trip might fall through. Miss Van Doren is not sure of her heart and it depends on what the doctor says about the trip. It is not merely high altitude but constant change of altitude in trips in that region. I do not know what Miss Bain and I will do. In any case I want to go to Darjeeling if only for a few days. [sic] long enough to see Mount Everest.

Again with many thanks, and much love,

P.S. Perhaps you will share this I.I. [India Inklings] with the Botany Department, if they look interested, and The Table, if they look interested and have the time for anything so long-winded.

I had no time to mention the sights of the buried cities. If my pictures turn out - well, I might send some.
