A Letter written on Dec 13, 1870

[One paragraph break added for ease of reading]

Shelburne Dec. 13 1870

My dear Sister Martha

I have been intending to write to you ever since I heard that you had reached Kalamazoo but I have had so much to do and have been so tired when I did get time to sit down a little while that I could not write. Last week Tuesday Mrs. Lucius Alvord died and her funeral was Friday. she [sic] was sick only a few days being taken I think the Thursday or Friday before her disease has dropsy of the heart. Sunday night as Monday Clarindas Aunt Naonia died and she too was sick only a little while she is to be burried [sic] tomorrow and father is to be one of the bearers. At Mrs Lucius Alfords funeral the choir were invited to sing but what must Mr Josh Sweet do but refuse to go into the singerseats and some of his choir likewise refused. but there were four of the choir from S. Falls down and they together with Lafayette made much better music than Josh Sweet ever could. I think it is a shame and disgrace that they keep Josh Sweet for the leader of their choir for I had always supposed that singing was as much a part of the worship as preaching and they certainly would not think of employing a minister who had been found unworthy of performing the duties of his sacred office to preach for them but still they can employ one whom they do not consider worthy to sit down with them to the Lords table to lead in singing for them.

Last Friday John attended went up to Wilmington to attende [sic] to his affairs up there. he [sic] came back Saturday and brought Le Roy Chase with him to drive some cattle which he had bought in Greenfield up to Wilmington to eat up some hay that he has up there and Sunday a young fellow came to see George and so C. had two extra men to wait on over Sunday. To day the fates decreed that I should have my share of company and so just as I got my work all done up and thought I was going to have a nice time to do what I had a mind to Clarinda came in and told me that there was a covered carriage coming with two ladies in it and she wanted me to have them come into my room as she had not got hers mopped up. They proved to be Cousin Harriett and Mrs. Corse Gates Cousin H stayed till Thurs four o clock in the afternoon and Mrs Corse Gates is here now. John and Clarinda went up to the Falls to get C.a had she was rather late in the season and there fare did not get just such a hat as she would like

Dec 15

I am agoing to try and add a few more lines to this letter so I shall have it ready to send if I get a chance[.] The folks are all as well as usual except Uncle Robert and he has one up his dinn [sic] spells, he lies abed most of the time but I suspect that he would be up more if it was not for Mr Asa being here. Mother was not very well the fore part of the week and I was afraid she was agoing to have a fever but she is a good deal better now. John and Clarinda and Eliza have been up to Mr Barnard to day. Nosby lectures in Greenfield to night and I wanted to go ever so much but it was not so I could and I guess it is well we did not go for it is very cold and the wind blows like fury. we [sic] have not any snow in the ground of any account and it has not been very cold before to day but now it is cold enough to make it all up. They are talking about having a Christmas tree for the Sabbath school but I dont know whether they will make art any thing or not. Cousin Sarah Lafayette's wife is going around begging for money to get the minister a stove. they [sic] are wonderful nice to the minster I only hope it will last but I must bid you good by for I cannot think of any thing more to write with much love I am as ever your affectionate Sister

Susan E. Anderson