A Letter Written on Nov 5, 1874

Shelburne Nov. 5. 1874

To Martha

Dear Sister

I received your welcom[e] letter night before last[.] It was so late then I thought I would wait till the next night but the next found me no better so to night I will wright [sic] anyway[.] It is 15 minutes past nine I have just finished my chores[.] I have been drawing wood to S. [Shelburne] Falls have been two loads[.] Such short days it makes me late round [?] I have sold 20 cords of wood & I have got two thirds drawn[.] We had 300 bushells [sic] of Potatoes on the same ground[.] We had 400 in last year[.] The potatoes are very fine[.] We had over 400 bushels of good Apples & 200 or a little more Cider Apples[.] We have had three weeks of uninterrupted fine weather to night it looks like rain last week Ball or Bald Mountain took fire in some way & from Thursday 10. A.M. we had all we could do night & day till this week Monday when we conquered the fire it burnt over 100 acres[.] I had less than two acres burned[.] It is so dry fire catches quite easily by the way of a guess Fayette is going to sell out & go West he has his Auction next week Wednesday he is going to Nebraska I think it a bad time to sell Wealthy is sick at Father Barnards has had the Dr. twice but I think she is some better[.] Clara Morgan was Married This week Tuesday to Rufus Densmore[.] They took for their Weding [sic] trip from old S.h [South] Boston will return home tomorrow[.] Little Eliza is still at School in the Patten [?] is fat contended happy & learns well[.] Little Helen is well talks much about you[.] I heard her read a letter this morning she had written to you she said she was going on a Ship to carry the letter to you[.] Clarinda has got a tooth that troubles her she has been to G-d [Greenfield] & had one filled but still it pains her she is well except that[.] Aunt Prudence is here now she helps Clarinda quite a good [d]eal[.] The rest of the folks are usualy [sic] well uncle R. is coming up begins to talk a good [d]eal[.] Mother had a letter from John Wilson last night he sent his picture Uncle Joseph has got his new suit of clothes[.] As its Fall Susan is busy drying Apples[.] Thornton works for Daniel Bardwell this Winter Tr'l is going to work for us Jemy does well[.] We have got all our crops in ready for Winter[.] We had the first freeze here Monday night I have sold all my Summer beef[.] We have got all of our Walnuts picked had the whole of a half bushel[.] We shall make some over 20 bbls [barrels] of Cider[.] We have sold 30 bbls of Winter Apples price $2.00 per bbl without the bbl[.] We had our Election This week Tuesday[.] We have got a Democrat Govenor [sic] William Gaston as you will see by the paper I sent you[.] I sent the G-d [Greenfield] Gazett[e] direct from the Office you will learn from the paper how the Democrats have carried the day[.] It will stir up the Republicans to act in unison[.] Frank Barnard has got another little Boy[.] Mother & Susan received gloves that [?] you sent last night I hope you will be successful in your work & enjoy good health I never forget you in my prayers[.] We cannot feel at home as you feel for we are busy on the same kind of work we have followed for a lifetime surrounded by our friends & neighbors While you are alone in a strange land[.] But I trust the Lord will take care of you I think of you often and may the choicest of Heavens [...] ever attend you is the wish of your Brother


Oscar Bardwell is to be married next Tuesday to Henry Kellogg's widow

[John is Martha's half brother. Clarinda is his wife, and Eliza and Helen are their daughters. I assume Prudence is John's mother's sister, but I haven't been able to confirm that.]