A Letter Written on Jul 1, 1876

Janesville, Wis.
July 1st, 1876.

Dear Cousin Martha:-

Your letter to Grandma she rec'd in Nov. last. She wished me to reply, and perhaps you feel inclined to charge me with neglect or forgetfulness because I did not long ago. But I hope you will be lenient in your judgement when I tell you, that ever since yours came I have been trying to get a little space in which to write you; and even now I seize upon a moment, expecting to be "called off" at any instant. You may think me exceedingly busy & so I am. So busy that I am glad there is a time coming when we can have all the time we want.

The whole house are and have been sick for the past six months. - Father suffers much from Neuraligia. [sic] Has it for a week at a time so as to be unable to do anything. Had inflamation [sic] of the lungs in the Winter. Grandpa has Rheumatism; and the Catarrah [sic] affects his general health.

As to Grandma, she is very feeble. I dont [sic] know as she has any particular disease; but rather the gradual decline incident to old age. Is confined to the bed a portion of the time, and suffers severe pain. Nothing seems to relieve her. The weather, thus far, this Summer has not been extremely hot; but should it be I doubt if she can live through the season. She requires much attention, and yet it is a pleasure to care for her. - she is so patient - so careful lest she should cause others some inconvenience. - I enclose her Photograph [no longer with the letter], taken about two months ago. I succeeded in getting it taken, & am most glad I dod not delay the matter longer; for at no time since has she been able to have stood the necessary fatigue. It is thought to be quite good.

I shall go East in Sep. if the health of those at home will allow. Do not expect to remain longer than a month. My presence here seems to be necessary. However, I hope to do a full years study. I am of that age when I cannot let time pass unimproved.

Prof. Haire & wife opened an Academy here last year, which is a good School. They are Eastern people & well qualified for teachers. She is a graduate of Mt. Holyoke. Because it is needful for me to remain with Grandma - I expect to attend this school & delay going away to School for one year, at least.

I should be very much gratified to have you write me something of your work etc. I am not a little interested in Missions. The cause is one which is too often forgotten by many home Christians.

Grandma sends love, as do all.

Kindly & Truly Yours,
Allie A. Anderson.

[Ellen Bartlett Haire 1856, taught English Literature and Rhetoric at Janesville Classical Academy, founded in 1875. Her husband John P. Haire taught Latin, Greek, and Mathematics.]