A Letter written on Jan 11, 1930

320 Eliot Street

January 11, 1930

Dear Abby,

You are very sweet to entertain my child. Elizabeth seems to be very well and happy at Mount Holyoke, and I judge is doing well.

You will be interested in these letters about Miss Smith. They were written by Dorothy Patton, a neighbor friend, who went out to India last year & remarried a Binm [?] graduate, who went out the year before. I wrote her about Miss Smith, and told Miss S. about Dot. You see Dorothy was invited to this dinner for Miss S. but could not go on account of the Tamil examination due just then for herself and husband, Edson Lockwood. You can do as you will with these letters. Mrs. Larrabee has seen them.

I am so glad Margaret and I went in to see the Laconia sail away, having our dear Sarah Effie Smith. She was a teacher, if there ever was one.

Much love,
Anna Arnold.