Dear NephewI received your kind letter of 18th instant, for which I give you many thanks; had been affraid [sic] you had quite forgotton [sic] your old S. Hadley Aunt - As you observed I got what little news I had of your history from your Father and Aunt M. was thankful for so much. We were sorry to hear of your poor health; think you did well to leave New York the Asylum of Cholera and disease, although disease and death fly at the command of God, when and where he pleases - Cholera that scourge of the land is spreading far and wide; we have had 12 deaths within a few miles of us with the direful disorder. It becomes us as a People, and as individuals to humble ourselves before God for our own sins, and the sins of the people that he would set merciful bounds and not come out in judgement against us as our sins so richly deserve.
We received a letter from Aunt Marcia at the time we received yours date one day sooner; in which she mentioned your having been there, and had invited her to accompany you on a visit to us at the season of Mt Hollyoke [sic] Seminary examination I was delighted with the thought and hope I may realize it the meeting [sic]
The examination begins Next Monday P.M. July 30th and closes Wednesday 1st day of August. You mentioned an appointment at Worcester 4th week in August perhaps that will not come in contact with the other. or Suppose you give up the appointment at W_ may be the satisfaction you might receive would be equivalent - we want to see you both very much and it would be very agreeable to both of you to come together. Do not fail of coming if practicable.
I have much to say but I must close soon or lose my present opportunity of sending to the office.
Please present my best respects to your wife and tell her I should be happy to have a visit from her.
Our family and friends here are in their usual health - all wish to be remembered to you doubtless.
Yours Affectionately
Anna Harris.South Hadley July 26th 1849.