A Letter written on Oct 2, 1850

Springfield Oct 2, 1850

My Dear Friend Hattie

You will think me very impolite to delay answering your very kind letter so long, but I have only been waiting to come to some conclusion before I answered it. I hope you have not been looking for me of late I shall be obliged to defer my intended visit to you for some weeks longer, as I commence a school next Monday here in the village. It is a private school small, the reason why is, that I must commence now to a term of any length before Thanksgiving. I trust you will excuse me for the present I shall certainly come before I go back to New Hampshire, and if I should teach here anywhere this winter, shall arrange it so as to go down in vacation. I am very much disappointed that I cannot come now[.] But "there's a good time coming wait a little longer"

Carrie Smith and Mrs Day called on me soon after I came here. How much they look like Hattie. I went home with Carrie, spent nearly a week and had a most delightful visit[.] There are a very pleasant family are they not so kind and cordial one can't help feeling at home directly. I wandered all about with Carrie, carried flowers every day to Hatties grave I could but feel sad all the time thinking how pleasant to have them there when Hattie was alive but it was not so ordered. "He doeth all things well". We would not could we call her pure spirit back to Earth. The family were all at home, the son who is preaching in Conn. perhaps you know they have recently buried their little boy, and also Joseph Smith, thus in the same week. I go up to Mrs Days often I love her very much my school room will be exactly opposite her house in Emery Court, Now my dear Hattie why can you not come up this Fall? Mrs Day wished it very much and of course I do - she sends a particular request that you will come now do - Mrs Smith and Carrie also add their request.

The County Fair commenced this morning, I have not been in to day it is so rainy but Carrie promised to call for me tomorrow we shall have a nice time. Margaret had just received a letter from your sister the other day I called. Remember me to all your brothers and sisters. I hear you are all singers so I shall have a grand time singing with you when I come to Conn. won't I? Good-bye now - Write soon and believe me Your true Friend

Julia M. C-

Every moment is taken up or I would be happy to file the sheet, come up if you can dear