South Hadley, Mass.,
Dec 1, 1914.My dear Louise:
I have had your letter before me on my desk for two weeks as a gentle reminder that I wanted to write you. I was so glad to hear from you. It was very thoughtful of you to write me before I even wrote you.
I often think how you would enjoy the work here. I like it so well but I am afraid it is harder than I am capable of managing. The girls are perfectly lovely and not a bit clanish. [sic] We have the best time here at the house. There are fourteen freshmen and we do have lovely times. I like my roommate very well too. She is from Glen Falls, N.Y. I expect to come home Christmas with a girl from Ridgeway Penn, who is a great friend of Fern Good. You remember her, don't you?
I am taking Trig, Greek, English Literature, English and Physics and they certainly keep me busy.
Thanksgiving we had a lovely time. Every girl got a box and we ate and ate. Went to Springfield and did a little shopping and then went to the theatre. When we got home all the girls that stayed at college had a dance in the gym.
To-night girls are coming from a number of colleges to a student government convention here. We have all been learning songs to sing to-night.
How are you getting along with your young hope-fuls. I feel guilty every time I think how I came up there & laughed at them when they were doing all their funny little stunts. Do you have that awful Baker boy yet? Auntie sent me a little card that the Home must have had printed. I think the poem very appropriate. Auntie is grand about sending me spending money. I celebrate every time I get a letter from her.
If you are having as nice weather as we are having to-day I think you may be spinning around the square in your car. Think of it, I put on low shoes on the 1st of December.
To-morrow is our holiday. It seemed rather odd at first but I have got used to it now and rather like it. The only trouble I can't get two days to-gether so I can go over & see Caroline.
If you aren't too busy I should like to hear from you again before I see you and really you don't know how glad I am to get such newsy letters from home.
With love,
Katherine alias Tommie. I have a new name here - Billikins.[Katherine Woodruff, Rachel Jenkins, and Ruby Bell were all living in Mr. Lovell's in the 1914/1915 academic year, according to the directory for that year.]