Sunday evening
2/6/55Dear Folks,
Well, I'm resorting to the good old carbon paper again. It's been sort of hard to get back to the old routine again after exams and we've been sort of goofing off and letting the work pile up. At the moment I have twelve letters to write. I just finished two three page English themes - one for class tomorrow and one from before exams that I had to rewrite. Most exasperating!
There has been no lack of excitement around here lately!
SMonday night when we got back from skiing (we had a really terrific time - I think I'm improving.) I happened to see Jeannie Romig. She rode back from Syracuse with Nan Holton and Nan told her that Penny was coming up to see her Tuesday. I almost had a fit when I heard that. Sure enough! he and his friend were in our art lecture with Nan and her roommate Wed. morning. Wednesday evening he and Tony (the friend) turned up in Wilder at about 5:45 and asked for Jeannie. When she wasn't around he asked for me and I came down and talked with them for about five minutes. Thursday evening Jeannie and I went skating with them for a while - don't ask me where Nan was all this time. It wasn't the most interesting evening I've ever spent but I sure saw old Penfield in a new light. Maybe he's changed or maybe it's just me but I don't know what I ever saw in him (if anything) that I went out with him that long. His friend was quite nice but Mr. Sinclair was a cad!The skiing was really fun. Monday we rode the T-Bar lift and I'm really sold on that. So much better than the rope tow. Edgy's brother and his girl are driving up next weekend and taking us skiing again both Saturday and Sunday. We figured the time to go was now when the skiing was good and when we didn't have as much work as we will later on in the semester.
Making posters etc. for the Song Contest kept me pretty busy most of last week (Aunt Hat - Betty Koch, another freshman on the floor, and I were chairmen of publicity for the song contest which is this Sat. Each dorm makes up and presents a song and they are judged)
Last weekend was alumnae weekend. There were representatives here from all over the country. Mrs. Titcomb from Baldwinsville was here and we all went down to meet her at a reception. Saturday evening there was a big dinner and a bunch of us waited on them.
Got my German exam back and I got a 3 on it. I think that means a 3 for the course. We get the rest of our marks next Monday (the 14th). I think they send them home too. Edgy's discovered that she'll have to work to stay in - or rather to come back next year. She has three 5's - two for sure and one that she's certain of but I'm not so certain. Chem is really tough for her. She's given up any thought of majoring in it which is what she planned when she came up here. The thing that gets me is that she works more at all her subjects than any one else around here. I don't know what her trouble is.
Cleveland Symphony plays here Friday evening and I'm really looking forward to it. Also Carmen Jones (the movie) is showing in Holyoke and we're hoping to see it sometime.
Thanks for sheets, gloves, & cookies. They sure were good. What's the latest on Tom's trip? Sounds almost too good to be true. I was quite surprised about Donna Eager. Nan Green broke up with Mike, the guy she's been dating since school started. Snow Ball, the big dance of the year is the weekend after next. I think several of us will be going with blind dates from R.P.I.
Heard from Aaron Rose again (letter enclosed - please send back). [no longer with the letter] Also Nancy offering me $100 to return to Onanda. (as waterfront counselor) Much as I'd love to go back, I'm afraid I'll have to write her & tell her what with college & all I couldn't afford to spend a summer earning that little.
I thought of writing Mr. Rose & telling him I wanted to wait until scholarships came out before deciding. Do you think that would be O.K? It would give me a while to decide. I guess $160 is about all I could earn. Jo Prescott says he never has his staff until May or early June anyway.
Just out of curiosity, how much did Carol Clark earn last summer?
Guess that's all for now. Write soon.
What would you think of the idea of me going skiing the first couple days of spring vacation?