Outing Club
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MassachusettsFriday night
Dear Mom & Dad,
Book arrived this afternoon & has been duly returned to its owner. I was afraid that you might be wanting reservations in So. Hadley for that Saturday night. Sorry - all rooms in the immediate area were taken several years in advance for commencement weekend. I suppose there would be someplace in Springfield or better yet, how about Rintouls' again? Mrs. R. issued an invitation when they were up on Parents' Weened. I'll wait to hear from you before doing anything. What happened to the plan of staying at Bowies'?
Had my second exam today. History & I don't think I've ever enjoyed an exam as much as I did that one! It was actually fun. Don't worry about Physiology - I started studying that this afternoon.
Nothing terribly exciting to report - Everyone has been studying hard. Seniors and major exams yesterday & today so everyone has been on edge. Dick Sherwood came down from Dartmouth last Saturday night & we went to the movies. He's loaned me his precious DOC songbook for the summer but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
By the way - how would you like two Holyoke globe-trotters as house guests one night around the middle of August? Mud Norton, the girl I'm moving with next year, & Barbara Martin, another Mead sophomore are driving cross-country this summer & I told them how much you love company. Syracuse is their last stop before New York & home so they'll probably be sadly in need of a free night's lodging. Barbie says don't make any sort of plans & if Dad'll be on vacation then, they can stay elsewhere.
Guess that's all for now. Wish me luck on Ec & Physiology.