Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley MassachusettsMonday
Dear Mom & Dad,
It was so good to see you last weekend and I'm glad you enjoyed the show.
Had two blue books last week & can't really tell how I did. The philosophy one was wicked!
The trip to Dartmouth was a big success. Clark was there with Happy Anthony [she's a Colby Jr.] - also Jon Halverson. He was very sorry to have missed you & hoped Tom enjoyed Dartmouth. In the end they opened the Ravine Lodge at Mt. Moosilauke [where we went for that ski weekend last March] which is fabulous. We climbed Moosilauke [4,000+ feet] Sat. & explored some nearby caves Sunday - in addition to the usual amount of square-dancing & song festing. As usual, it was terribly hard to leave.
An idea for Christmas - Edgy has a beautiful green wool shirt that she got at Pinkham Notch last summer & wich I have borrowed several times. She's going up there this weekend & could probably pick me up one for about $8 with her discount. What say?
As you probably are too, we're all following papers very closely. Mr. Viereck, my history prof, has been filling us in on the world situation & drawing some interesting paralelles [sic] between 1848 & today in Hungary.
That's it for now. Will let you know more about Thanksgiving.