A Letter Written on May 21, 1957

Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley Massachusetts


Dear Mom & Dad,

How would you like your daughter to be a "lion tamer" for the summer? Friends of Mud's - Steinways of the piano family - are looking for just that - a baby-sitter for their 3 small boys. Seems many branches of the family spend their summers on a lake near Plymouth, Mass. near the Cape. Mud has spent some time there & says they're wonderful people - very friendly & most interesting. Summer would be looking after the kids & being part of the family. On the job as long as the kids are around which won't be late as they are ages 2, 4 & 6. One day off a week, mid-June through mid-September, probably. Sounds like it would be a good relaxed summer with nice people, time to myself if I wanted it - near the Cape for days off. Make about $400 plus room & board & not much temptation to spend it. A few drawbacks - other "lion-tamers" would probably be younger - h.s. seniors or college frosh, couldn't spend much time in Syracuse which is probably the biggest trouble, also would have to miss College Week which I would hate but could get used to. Let me know your reaction. I won't do anything yet as I had planned to stay home but if I can't get a job - probably couldn't save too much on A.R.C. job.

One exam down - Shakespeare was this morning. A good exam but I can't tell how I did on it.

Spelunking is cave exploring.

Hate to miss climbing trip but I guess it can't be helped. Oh well, there will be weekends if I'm home.

Also wish I could be home while Aunt Hat is there but Miss Robinson was firm on my staying. Will you be able to come down Sunday, June 2nd?

Has Tom heard from Norwich?
