Monson, Mass.,
Dec. 29, 1905.My dear Lucy,-
You were so kind to send me that Christmas gift, made by your own hands, too, - I imagine. Do you know I was pleased especially to find that you remembered me and were able to do such work. Really I had no more idea of what you were doing than as if the miles between us were to be counted by thousands rather than by tens. Was it my fault? I have forgotten who did write the last letter. Do please write soon anyway and tell me if you have been at home and just how you are.
Did you know I did go to Fitchburg after all this last summer? I was there only four days, however, and tired and rather homesick, too, so I didn't feel like exploring any more new country alone. Sometimes I think I'll never go on a vacation alone again.
I am teaching the same district school again this fall and have twenty-five scholars just at present. They are all I want to handle, too. I find some occassion [sic] to employ what I have of college training for I have a book McMurry's "Method of the Recitation" to review for Teacher's Club, and a German woman in my district wishes me to give her lessons in reading and writing English. She came over less than a year ago and has picked up a good deal of conversation already, but she can not read and write. It will be interesting for me and I shall probably have a chance to learn about as much German as she will of English. Can you give any suggestions as to what to try to teach her?
Did you have a pleasant Christmas? Is your sister also at home this year? We have had good vacation weather, haven't we, but January bids fair to be a disagreeable month if one can put any faith in Almanac Day.
Have you seen an[y] 1905 girls lately? I saw Frances Nixon the last of October - also Louise Shaw at Thanksgiving time. I suppose she is at home now but I haven't seen her. Her mother is quite sick. Louise is teaching fourth, fifth & sixth grades in Coscob, - Conn.
Thank you ever so much for the pretty money bag, Lucy. I shall hate to use it, it is so neat and pretty. With love and best wishes for a prosperous and happy New Year, I am
Yours sincerely,
Ruth H. Johnson