South Hadley, Mass.,
May 3, 1908.Dear Sister:-
I guess it is about time I wrote to you now. I have written three letters - to Carl, Olive & Bertha - & think that I have done well. I was going to write so many while the folks were at church but I lay down & slept all of the time & barely got dressed in time for dinner. A great many people cut to-day. I know of six Freshmen in this hall that stayed at home. Neither Alice nor Margaret went. We had chicken again to-day. What is going to happen? It was roasted this time. I had a wing & there was but little meat on it & I did so want to take it up and gnaw it but I refrained fearing that Dr. Searles' eye would be upon me. She is going abroad in July. She is going to keep house somewhere until she goes & she says she isn't going to have a shreded [sic] wheat biscuit inside her door.
First I will talk business. I should be delighted to go to Hartford Sat. I should have miss a recital that Jessie is in but I can stand that. The thing I lament the most is that that is the night to go back to our oldest tables but never mind. If I go what shall I take? Wear a white waist & take my best one for Sunday? or shall I bring my silk waist into it somewhere? I hope you will decide to go. Elizabeth says that she will do my dom. work. I don't know when I shall strike Springfield. I shouldn't wonder if I left here on the five o'clock car. Should you go rain or shine?
Didn't I write you that Ruth and Dine called on me? I had a very nice call from them one rainy Wed. They didn't stay such an awful long time. Dine has changed so much. They were going to Amherst & from there to Northampton where they have an aunt. I had a postal from Aunt Ada yesterday. Evidently she has been to Boston. Cousin Bessie wrote me a little note. Please thank Auntie for me for the waists. They look fine.
To-night at Vespers there are going to be all our choirs, a choir from Holyoke and one from Springfield. The service is in charge of the American Guild of Organists. I think it will be fine but it won't seem like Vespers.
Wednesday night is the Senior Recital given to the Seniors by Mr. Hammond & Miss Dickinson. I have received an invitation to it from Marion Wilder. Isn't that nice? I guess I shall wear my green dress. I wish that Freshmen-Senior reception would hurry up and come for I am sick of
keepingfeeling that I don't want to wear my white dress, no matter what comes. I guess my green dress will look well enough for this occasion though.I went out rowing again Friday night. It was a little cold but when we were rowing we were warm enough. It was just beautiful out there at that time. I ran into the bushes several times and got ourselves ashore once in our efforts to see a bird but otherwise I got along all right. It is piles of fun. To-morrow A.M. Mildred & I are going out to play tennis before breakfast. Neither of us know much about it so we thought we were good ones to play to-gether. I shall have to borrow shoes, balls & racket, but Elizabeth borrows enough things from me so I don't mind borrowing from her. The Athletic Association has decided that whoever uses the tennis-courts or the boats shall be considered a member so there goes a quarter for dues. The association has decided to buy a number of roller skates and rent them for so much an hour. We can have the use of the Gym. for skating. i think I shall try that sometimes. One of the girls has asked me to go with her sometime.
I went to a dandy
organstudent recital yesterday. One of the girls had one of the sweetest voices I ever heard. I am feeling very big now. I had one of my daily themes read in class. It was on the "Lake" as I see it mornings from my window. Such a thing never happened before & probably never will again.I should like to be home making may-baskets with you. The Sophomores sent flowers to all the Seniors may morning. A 190
87 girl, a Miss Redfield, who lives here in Wilder - I don't know why she is here but she is. Well, she gave a carnation to each of the Wilder Freshmen. May morning when the Seniors came out of the chapel they formed a group out in front & sang their own class songs & then to the Sophs. They haven't jumped rope yet. What if they should do it Sat? But they do it at 4:45 don't they? and there is anstudent recital booked for that hour so I am safe.Margaret got so tired Wed. that she has decided to give up tennis playing hockey & field athletics. She hates to but she isn't strong enough to do those things.
Miss Matron Smith asked me this A.M. if I was coming back to Wilder next year. She said that if I did I wouldn't have to sweep bathrooms. I guess not. We choose our rooms before very long now. Where, oh where shall I go? Where I can I guess. I can't think of another thing to write so I will stop. How is Uncle?
With much love to you all,
Molly.P.S. Tell Cousin Emma that if she writes a personal letter to "Caroline" perhaps she will let me come home to make may baskets. There have been three or four cases of appendicitis here since we came back. One is a Freshman, Ruth Kneeland. One of the Juniors was told that she could wait until summer but she has gone home preferring to have it now. The Sophomores are a little anxious over Field Day for last year there wasn't very much interest show by other classes & they didn't have Junior Ruth Bailey to go against.