Law Office of
James A. StilesLong Distance Telephone
Cable Address, "Stiles."
Use W. U. Telegraphic Code.Gardner, Mass., Oct. 7, 1907.
Miss Lucy M. Baker,
Templeton, Mass.Dear Madam;-
I have been waiting to hear from the Treasurer and Receiver General in relation to the settlement of the amount of the tax upon the residue of the Augusta M. Loring estate after taking out the amount paid to Mrs. Balcom. I had not heard anything from him and Saturday when I was in Boston dropped into his office and settled the whole matter. I had hoped to perhaps get something off from 5% on $8572.02, which is the balance of the money which came to your hands as executrix less expenses, dividends and income received by you, as determined by the account which Miss Matthews brought here.
There is, however, as I recall it, a discrepancy between the amount as shown by the certified copy of the inventory which I took to Boston and that same amount as stated in the first item of the account which I suppose Mr. Bodgett made up. Before settling with the Treasurer and Receiver General I am going to find out whether there is a mistake amounting to $2000. in this account. Such a mistake would make a difference of $100 in the amount which you would have to pay to the Treasurer and Receiver General and I think the matter be settled now.
Yours very truly,
James A. Stiles.