A Letter Written on Oct 20, 1903

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading.]

Townsend, Mass.
Oct. 20, 1903.

Dear Lucy:-

I was very glad to hear from you for I get lonesome once in a while as I do not have so much to keep me busy as you do.

All I have to do is just what I have a mind to.

I haven't been keeping house only a little over two weeks. But keeping house for two isn't very hard work.

There is a grass widower living in the other part to this house all alone. he [sic] does all his own work except his washing and ironing. He keeps his house looking better than I can mine even if he does work out in his shop almost all day mending shoes. He keeps his shop looking as neat as his house and he looks as neat as either.

Sunday night he came in and played his violin for us.

May Cleman was here then and he had to take her into his part and show her how nice he kept things.

I don't know anything about Templeton, hardly I haven't had a letter from home for almost a week and then they don't say what is happening up town only what they are doing. I expect Nellie and my cousin will come down some time pretty soon.

Townsend is only nine miles from Fitchburg but by train it is two or three times as far. You have to go way around through Ayer. So I cannot go home very often. I shall probably go home Thanksgiving do you go home then?

I do not know whether Annie is engaged to Stuart or not but I think she ought to be. I heard her bewailing the fact one time that Stuart was gone away and she couldn't see him for two weeks.

No, I haven't seen Edith's baby. Does she ever take it out with her anywhere?

I haven't heard from Nellie Doherty for a long time and dont know whether she has got so she likes [it] out there or not. She was bound and determined she wouldn't like [it] anyway.

There is an old maid down here by the name of Margaret Doherty? She lives in the house with Nellie Cleman Ballon. We always call her Maggie. She has always lived in town. I like her quite well. Nellie has two children both quite pretty. The oldest is three she has pretty curls and a pretty face but has a temper like every body else. The other is two she puts him in pants once in a while and then I tell you he looks cute.

My work is just about the same day in and day out just as anybodys who keeps house.

I will always be glad to hear from you

Your friend