A Letter Written on Mar 29, 1908

New Salem, Mass.
Mar. 29, 1908

Dear Miss Baker,

Your letter received some time ago but didn't seem to have much time to answer it. I was very sorry to hear you was not coming back the spring term as I heared. [sic] Hope you will be hear [sic] next year. They have got the new school building pretty well along, will finish it in a short time now. It looks fine beside the old one.

We were all sick at once hear [sic] for about two weeks with the grip. I had to stay out of school nearly two weeks.

School is going well now but quite a number of scholars have left. They have just put a new study into the school, Agriculture, and I am taking it, it is very interesting[.]

We have singing in school some. We began Geometry some time ago but I do not know any more about it now than I did before I began it.

Last fall they got up a football team, Mr. Betts being one of the leaders. They had one game hear [sic] with Petersham and beat them 27 to nothing and then went over there the next saturday [sic] and got beat 8 to nothing.

I have been sawing wood this winter as usal [sic] but not so much as I did last winter. I haven't sawed any at the boarding house this winter as there were plenty of boys over there to do that.

The teachers that board at the boarding house do not furnish their own wood, it is furnished by Mr. Betts for nothing.

As it is getting late I will close hoping to hear from you soon[.]

Sincerely your friend