A Letter Written on Feb 9, 1908

152 Institute Road
Worcester, Mass
Feb. 9. 1908.

Dear Lucy,-

I am almost ashamed to write now it has been so long since I said I would. Mother has sent me all the news she could. I was very very sorry to hear of the loss that came to you and Mary.

Mother has just sent me word that you have had to lay aside school work for a time. How are you. I hope you will soon be gaining.

How and where is Mary? Remember me to her and when you have an opportunity let me hear how and where you both are. Old friends are not forgotten [even] if I do keep up my old bad habit of not writing.

As you will see I am still in Worcester. I worked for eight months in the office of an envelope shop and they decided they wanted me some one else more than they did me so told me to go much to my good fortune. I was out of work only two weeks and have been working one week now and I in a place which I believe I shall like very much better than I did the last one. I shall be in a machine shop almost and as the firm is formed to build planers. It is a new company so I shall have an opportunity to watch it grow.

What a winter we are having but the real cold weather is here now and it does look glorious out this morning. I am staying home from church to-day and improving the time. I find that my time is pretty well taken up since I have been working. Very little time out side of the office.

Do you ever come to Worcester. I should like very much to see you. I was home one week of my idleness and intended to see you but my summons to come back did [not] let me.

Good resolutions and how they come to naught.

I very seldom see any of our old friends of G.H.S. One of my class mates lives in Worcester but I have seen only once.

Write when you can.

With love to you & Mary
Elsie A. Lamb.