A Letter Written on Feb 11, 1903

Ginn & Company, Publishers
School and College Text-Books
Boston, New York, Chicago, London.

29 Beacon Street,
Boston, Feby 11.

Dear Lucy:

Rec'd your letter yesterday morning and expect the books went out by Ex. last night.

Was able to get them all here in the City and hope they will be satisfactory - they cost us as follows:

German Dict140 
Schillers Wallenstein.88 
Bakers Specimens.44 
Rev. Version Bible.67 
Baker (Ginn Co. 1.12).56 
Uranography .30.15 

Wonder if Caroline has gone to Phila. Yet shall probably hear from her before long.

Expect you are getting to be a very learned young lady. Shall be glad to help you out any time on books if I can.

Hattie A. Coolidge