A Letter Written on Mar 22, 1903

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Dear Lucy:-

The Lend-a-Hand Party is a thing of the past and I am alive now. As I told you you [sic] I invited Willie. The night was all one could wish for disaggreeableness. [sic] It poured cats & dogs when I went over and was awfull [sic] thick with fog when I came home & was "darker than a nigger's pocket" at any time. I wore my new pink waist with a pink ribbon around my neck. I will send a piece of the goods. I don't know as I can tell all that were there but I will try. Linnie & Lucius, Helen and Arthur, Florence Taylor & Sandy, Florence French & Warren Seaver, Willie & I, Clara & Lewis Clark, Ethel H. & her John, Grace Staley, Helen & Theo, Dorothy & her cousin Helen Woodard, Lena Farrington and Emma Taylor, Bessie & Harry F. Mary Birette (Arthurs Greenwood's girl) Laura Dinon, Louis Starkey, Clara Bourn, Charlie & Earl Rich, Mrs. Greenwood & Mrs Parkhurst. First some pieces of pictures were passed around and each had a piece and tried to find the rest of the picture (each was cut into four pieces) then the number of the table that were to begin on was marked on each picture. Ethel H., Dorothy, Earl and I were to-gether. We played with partners. Ethel & Earl, Dorothy & I. Score cards were passed around & we played ten minutes at each table. Grace rang a little bell for us to begin & start.

First my four played "tiddle-te-winks". I was the only one that got any in so that counted one for D. & I. Then we played "Old Maid" & Earl & Ethel beat. "Docter [sic] & the Quack" Dorothy & I beat. Authors D. & I. and Dominoes Ethel & Earl. Then pieces of thin cardboard & some names of animals were passed around and we had to cut out the animal we got. I had a horse & he was beauty I tell you. Bessie had a rat. Clara a kangaroo. Lena an elephant. Willie a cat. Helen a cow. Then these wonderful things were pined [sic] up so we could see them. We had for refreshments oranges, apples, lots of cake, fancy crackers, popcorn & piles of candy.

Then we stood around and talked and watched some of the boys play ping-pong. Laura Dinon missed her car so some of them walked home with her. Willie & I didn't. We came right home. Before we started out Arthur told me if Willie was afraid to go back with him as far as the fountain and tell him to run the rest of the way. I didn't. We had a fine time coming home and neither of us got drowned. I wonder now whether he got home safely. Just think a week from Tuesday you we [sic] be home & can see me in my wonderful blouse. You will be shocked I know. I made some fudge to-day. Perhaps we will make some two weeks from to-day. Won't that be scrumptious?

With love