Maynard, Merrill, & Co., Publishers, New York
44-60 East Twenty-third Street,
Corner of Fourth AvenueCharles E. Merrill
Everett Yeaw
Edwin C. Merrill
Walter E. Maynard
Effingham Maynard Jr.
Charles E. Merrill Jr.(Dictated-WFB-G-3860)
November 21, 1905.
Miss Lucy M. Baker,
New Salem, Mass.Dear Madam,
We are just in receipt of yours of the 18th making inquiry regarding the Key of Thompson's Commercial Arithmetic. The price of the book is $1.05 postpaid and we restrict its sale exculsively [sic] to teachers. If you have charge of a class in the high school of your place that uses Thompson's Commercial Arithmetic we shall be glad to send you a copy of the Key with our compliments.
Yours very truly,
Maynard Merrill & Co.