South Hadley, Mass.,
Jan. 24, 1908.Dear Sister:-
I am cutting Botany so I will improve the time by writing to you. Why I am cutting I don't know. I simply didn't want to go. This A.M. I thought I better not go out for it was so stormy. All the girls told me to stay in so I went to Miss Galt & told her I shouldn't appear in Latin. She advised me to stay in so I did all the morning and read Latin for all I was worth. I had to miss a[n] exam in reading French (pronouncing it.) Then it cleared off so I didn't think it would hurt me to go out so I went to Eng. & Lat. I don't know what Miss Galt thought of me. When it came time for Bot. I was tired and it was growing colder & rougher out so I thought I would come home for it is just a waste of time as I can't get anything out of it for the class is so far advanced. I guess Miss Kennedy won't mind.
About my exams. I can take all but my Bot. at the proper time. Miss Trueblood advised me to go to Mary Galt for a lesson or two in Math. What do you think about that? Please answer in your Sunday letter. Of course the time when I could come she might be busy. I hate to spend money that way but I hate to flunk. Miss Kennedy is just lovely. She says that if I will come up to the Lab. Sat. P.M. Mon. A.M. and perhaps in the P.M. she will work with me and help me so that she thinks that I could about do things up and then she would give me an exam. later. Isn't that fine That will get everything out of the way in a hurry & I am glad.
I suppose you want to know how I am. My throat hasn't been sore hardly a bit since I came. The girls think I am rather hoarse but I think it is better than it was. I get pretty tired & am ready to go to bed but still I think that I am as well as you would expect. I am hoping that I can sleep most of the day Sunday.
I went to Gym. Thurs and Miss Spore asked me how I was & if I got tired days & then said she guessed I better be excused until after semesters & I never shall have to make the stuff up. Isn't that great? The Faculty have been awfully nice to me I think.
I must stop & go to work. Margaret & Grace are making nut fudge so I guess I will hang around. Don't worry about me for I am all right. How is school? Is Uncle about the same.
With lots of love,
Molly.Did Willie come down. and did Auntie have a good time? When you sent [sic] the next letter please put in a piece of red cord
thatlike that which the loops on my red coat - the buttonholes - are made of. One is ready to bust.