[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]Templeton, Mass.,
Dec. 20, 1905.Dear Lucy:-
I forgot all about writing so as to have it go out in to-night's mail so I don't know just when you will get this. It has got to be short for it is most nine. We didn't get home from committee meeting till nearly five. Of course you can do as you think best but the whole family think that it would be better for you to come right home Friday night and not stop in Orange but start out Sat. It would be late & you would have your luggage & you would be tired. We are to trim the church Sat. morning but you could go out right after dinner. But you must "use your judgement". [sic]
Now for the questions. I have purchased the dish & it cost $.50. If we could find some little pretty thing that she would like I think it would be nice to get it don't you? But I have no idea what. I am planning to make peppermints for Grandma. The bed-slippers would be very nice but they would cost a great deal more than the ruching. Mama has got "The Real Diary of a Real Boy" for Arthur. About Uncle Warren & Aunt Ada I don't know. There are some lovely pieces of linen in Sanborns & we could [sic] something of that kind for Aunt Ada. Mama said that last year she saw some boxes containing string, tags, twine etc. that she didn't know but that Uncle Warren would like. A cute little thermometer, one of the fancy kind, would be nice since we never can tell whether we are hot or cold. Aunt Mattie is still a puzzle. Stationary [sic] would be nice. I have a little note-book for Cousin Bessie, Mama & I were talking to-night about Auntie. She said that we could get for $.75 a very pretty piece of linen for her bamboo table. She has not Robert Browning's poems but that would probably be more than we could pay. If you wait till Saturday & go to Gardner or Fitchburg we can talk over things. Perhaps I have given you a few ideas.
I will copy something for you from a letter I received & you can be pondering on it & have your mind made up when you get home[.]
"Miss Mabel L. Hill & I are going to give an informal dancing party at Leland's Hall, Otter River, Thurs. Dec. 28th in honor of Miss Helen Hall & Miss Linnie G. Searles We should be pleased to have you & Lucy come. Please reply by Sat.
Marion P. Stone."
I nearly fainted when I read that. Only eight recitations more! "Praise Hannah for that." X X X X X X X X
x x x x With love, x x x x x x
x x x x x x x Molly x x x x x x