A Letter Written on Nov 8, 1903

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Templeton, Mass.,
Nov. 8, 1903.

Dear Lucy:-

I think that you will do well if you get much of a letter from me seeing that I wrote all I could think of Friday night. Mama and Uncle have come have [sic] and we were rather glad to see them. Did I tell you that Annie wore my pink gingham dress in the Play at the Fair? She said that it was a little small but it looked fine. G.H.S. beat Leomister [sic] H.S. all to nothing yesterday - 30 to 6 but a good many Gardner boys were hurt. Caffry & another boy got great cuts just above their eyes. Knowlton got the wind knocked out of him and Dunn got his front tooth knocked out. I think that the High School will have to found a hospital.

Last week we were all driven out of the cloak room so we couldn't eat our lunches there. Mr. Osbourne said that we littered around there too much and so for a week we would have to get along without that room. We ate out of doors three days and the other two on the stairs for you can imagine how much room there would be when you got the whole school around two tables in the room where the lunch counter is. Report cards come out to-morrow!!!!!!

We had a Lend-a-Hand Meeting Saturday and started our handkerchiefs. They only cost 12¢ apiece and are goodsized and linen. I haven't tried to hemstitch much yet. It took most of my time to pull out threads but Mrs. Bartlett showed me how. The President found it pretty hard work to run the meeting and learn to hemstitch at the same time. Mrs. Parkhurst said that we had helped a family in Partridgeville during the last month, by the name of Grimes. They had six children and lately twins have been born. The mother was very sick and the L.A.H gave here [sic] some medicine and the Ladies Society some clothes for the children.

At the meeting Mrs. P.- talked to us on how we should breathe. She also made each one of us a present of one of those laundry lists, which we had to sell at the Cattleshow, on the condition that we should each try to sell some. I have one for you but think that I will not send as Thanksgiving is so near. Mrs. Parkhurst said to tell you that you should put a sign put [sic] out on your door, "Stains taken out in here," and use the List for finding out what would take them out.

We hear that the Templeton St. Railway Co. has failed so I don't know whether I can go to school any more or not.

With love, X X X X X X X X X X
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Mary. X X X X X X X

P.S. I sat out in the hamock [sic] Nov. 1. Didn't I do well?