A Letter Written on Nov 15, 1903

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Templeton, Mass.,
Nov. 8, 1903.

Dear Lucy:-

Just think!! you will be home a week from Tuesday night!! It seems an age to wait but I suppose it will get here some time. I hemstitched some on Auntie's handkerchief yesterday and found it pretty slow work. We do not have to count threads as the cloth is so fine and that makes it ever so much easier. G.H.S beat Fitchburg H.S. all to nothing Sat. The score was 18 to 0 but the paper did not state how many of our boys were killed so I can't tell you. What do you think of Linnie and Carroll? Isn't it quite a match? He is a brilliant clerk I tell you. The other day Linnie went in there and (as she supposed) asked for some wintergreen. That night she went in and got it and took it home and found it to be OLIVE OIL. She took it back and he says that she had been in there before and asked how much wintergreen was and he thought that it so strange that she should ask for olive oil. Perhaps he was wrapt up in Linnie that he didn't know what she was talking about and perhaps Linnie said the first thing that came into her head. Linnie wrote a theme about it and was in instant fear that Miss Bates would take each one read his own theme but I do not think that she did. Report cards came out Monday.

Latin E  Geom. E
Greek E  Drawing F
Eng. Lit. & Comp. G  Times Absent. 1

One thing that we were to do for drawing next time was to look at a pretty sunset and then tell what the colors were. Tuesday and Wed. night I was busy and I don't think that the sun has set since. At least not in any brilliant colors.

My new jacket is all right isn't it? It fits like a bag on a beam [sic] pole but will be all right, I think, when I get some more clothes on. I have had a present of some new shoes. Cousin Lizzie had a pair that she had got for herself several years ago and had not worn them any to speak of and so she said that I might have them. They are great high shoes like what the girls have when they ride bicycles so when I put them on I can't change back into my box calf. Amber is as well as usual I think. All he seems to want to do is to eat and sleep and take one or two short walks a day. But I suppose it is the "natur" [sic] of him.

With love, X X X X X X X X X X
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Mary. X X X X X X X