A Letter Written on Aug 9, 1907

Hardwick, Mass.,
Aug. 9, '07.

Dear Miss Baker;

Well my dear, I intended to wait a long time before answering your long-looked-for epistle but you know I am naturally of a forgiving spirit, and I don't really think it would be a very great punishment to you if I didn't write at all so I am going to set about it now.

I trust you are nicely rested by this time, and can enjoy life as usual. I am well and happy, thank you, and hope to continue in the good way.

Oh that play? Well it went off the second time ever better than the first time. We had a real good time. Yes, I did break Pretzel's pipe. It went entirely off the stage too. Now aren't you shocked?

I am glad to learn all about your good time at South Hadley. I just knew you would enjoy every minute of it if you were not too tired.

Miss Traver wrote me about the closing ceremonies at New Salem[.] It must have been an exciting time to say the least.

Now I have answered your questions I think and will proceed to tell you what has happened in this Blissful household during vacation.

The day that I returned from Shutesbury Aunt Kate and cousin Clifford came for a little visit. We all attended the Hardwick High School graduation. The next day Clifford didn't feel well and Aunt Kate dosed him but the following next day when he got up in the A.M., he complained of sore throat. Immediately after breakfast his mother was going to put something on his throat, and opened his little shirt in front you know, and, dear me, he was broken out as thick as could be all over his chest.

We called the Dr. and he said it was a typical case of Scarlet Fever. Of course we were dumbfounded for no one knew he had been exposed to the disease, but on second thought we recollected that just five days before, he went to Albany with his papa. That was probably where he got it. Well, we fixed a room up stairs and they were banished from society. Papa and Vernah who had not been exposed, sought a boarding place and moved most of their belongings. The Board of Health came and tacked up the card, and we were quarantined.

Clifford had it very lightly and was not sick in bed one day, but of course it was necessary to take all the precautions that to prevent the spread of the disease. None of us had had it, and none of us wanted it. We feared mostly for Vida but fortunately none of us took it, and in two weeks time we were all over it, the quarantine removed, we were fumigated and once more took our several places in the habitable world. It did seem good too.

Since then I have not been away, only on shopping trips, visits to the dentist, etc. I went to Endfield to a C. E. Convention. My brother is president of the society here. There was a big four-horse load of us, and we had a jolly time.

I expect Emma next week, to stay a few days during which time we shall visit Springfield etc. The following week is "Old Home Week"[.] Of course I must be home for that, as we expect a great time. (I will send you a program if possible). The town has appropriated $1000 to be used for the purpose. Seems as though they ought to be able to celebrate some.

After that, I want mamma to take a little vacation, and I mean to do a little visiting myself, get leaps of sewing done etc. etc. between then and Sept 2. when I suppose I shall return to New Salem. I am glad you are coming back too. Have you learned anything about the new principal? Hope he will not be an old man don't you? Wish they would allow us to do the selecting. Ahem!

I have not seen Charlie this summer. I rec'd a short note of sympathy and offers of assistance when I was in quarantine. Probably he has forgotten me entirely (?).

You did not say whom you were to visit in N.H. I wonder if it can be Prof. Taylor's family. I can't really believe that after all.

Miss Baker, I hope you will pardon all errors (grammatical and otherwise) in this letter for I have written it at lightning speed, or at any rate as fast as I could make my pen fly. Vida is going down street and has offered to take this for me if I will "hurry up."

Please write soon again and I will also be more prompt in replying.

Have you a school calendar for '08?

Please remember me to all and with love for yourself. I am

Ever your friend -
Olive B.

How is Roger? Con-d-u-c-t-o-r.(?)