Dear Miss Baker:-And I am the one who planned on writing so many letters this vacation and here I haven't even thanked you for sending me that nice card, which I think a great deal of, because every time I look at it, I think of the nice time we had over there.
But I will tell you why I haven't written before. I went up to Athol to my brother's almost as soon as school closed, to help take care of my sister who has been very sick. I stayed for some time, but she didn't seem to improve any and so I came home and brought the baby (which was three weeks old) with me. We have had the dear little fellow for three week[s], but yesterday Albert came and took him to Conn. with Emma (Albert's wife). If you really want to know what it is to work Miss Baker you just want to have a little baby to take care of. Well, to go on with my tale of woe. There is a pond a little way from our house and my brothers and I have fixed up a "raft" and we have spent a good deal of our spare time, there; and by some mysterious way, I got poisuoned [sic], all over my face and hands and now my face is so bad, I don't think I will be able to go up to the reunion. I am awfully disappointed.
I guess I have written enough about "I," so now I want to ask you a few questions about yourself. Have you got rested yet? And are you having a nice time this vacation and do you intend to come back to the Hill? I haven't make [sic] any plans yet, about what I shall do, but home seems a pretty good place as yet.
We had our class pictures taken quite a while ago, but haven't recieved [sic] them yet. You see we didn't make a date with Mr Dunklee, just trusted to luck, well we went Thursday and on Sat. he went on a four weeks vacation. Was that luck?
But I guess it is nearly time for him to come home now. By the way, I haven't seen the pictures that Frank took, yet; but Mary has and she says they are fine.
I had a nice letter from Mrs Cambridge the other day, and I was awfully pleased to hear from them, for it is the first letter I have had from them since they went away. I judge from her letter that she is very much pleased with her little son "John," as she called him. But I haven't heard a word from (as Roger would say) Franklin Barrett. I just recieved [sic] my report card and really I was surprised at the marks I got. The idea, A. is deportment. I am sure I didn't deserve it, but honestly Miss Baker I did have an awfully nice time my last year.
On these hot day[s] I think of my sister up to the beach at Agunquit [sic] Me, and of Helen Hanson at the White Mt. I hear from her quite often and she seems to be enjoying herself. By the way, Ernest is at home, and last week I was out under the trees and he rode up on his
weewheel. I expect he has gone back now.I hope if you have time Miss Baker, that you will write and tell me all about yourself.
I never was noted for my hand writing but now since my hands have been poisoned, they are swollen so that I can scarcely use them, to say nothing of holding a pen.
Mildred CadwellAugust 11. 1907