South Hadley, Mass.,
Mar. 20, 1908.Dear Sister:-
A little different story this time, for there is nothing to write, & no time to write in. However, if I had plenty of time, I might go back & tell you things that happened earlier in the week, & if I did that, I might not have anything left to tell when I got home, & I am sure you wouldn't want that to happen.
When I went to Gym yesterday, I happened to remark to Miss Spore (quite by accident of course) that I was a little worried over the Gym exam. You know, or perhaps you don't, that all the Freshmen who are not in the Meet have to take an exam in apparatus work & such like. Miss Spore said immediately that I was excused from it, that all those who couldn't arrange their work to come into the regular classes wouldn't have to take it. Isn't that grand? You see with her I have had different work from the others. So I don't have to go to Gym to-morrow at all. Miss Spore said I was to go to the Meet to-night instead, & I am perfectly willing. Latin Prose exam to-day at 2:55 & I haven't studied hardly any for it. I have almost the whole morning to spend on it.
I went to the lecture by Jane Addams between five & six last night. Jessie is always telling me not to study then, &, as I wanted to go to the lecture very much, I thought for once I would follow her advice. Miss Addams was fine. She spoke on "Woman Suffrage" & I got a good many new ideas on the subject. Alice made me go to Class Prayer Meeting last night. That only takes half an hour & I know I studied better for having had the rest.
I get my ticket to-day, & I have already label
led my trunck, ready for the check. I am planning to leave here at one, & take that two something train from Springfield. Alice & Jessie go to Worcester that way, so I would be with them as far as Palmer, & I think that will be nicer than poking around alone.I give you fair warning that I shall not write much Sunday. I intend to spend most of the day in sleeping. What if I should get the "Student Lecture" in Botany Mon.! Horrible thought!
With much love to you all,