A Letter Written on Jun 7, 1908

South Hadley, Mass.,
June 7, 1908.

Dear Sister:-

I must be getting smart for I have written two letters & two postals in about an hour. While the letters were not lo extra long, they were not short. Where shall I begin with my story - a short one this time. I went to Latin Fri. P.M. & then to Bot. my last recitation. Miss Kennedy kept us about five o'c minutes so then I walked around the Upper Lake with one of the girls & came home and slept till dinner time. After dinner after walking around the campus to settle my dinner I plugged Math. The Math exam was not what one could call easy. I didn't do very well on it, I know that much but I imagine I passed it. I am glad I didn't study for it any more than I did for there was nothing there that I studied for. I went rowing until lunch time. After lunch I thought I would study French but I got so sleepy that I lay down & went to sleep & slept till time to go to an organ recital by all the people who take organ lessons. In the evening I studied French in the Lib. The Juniors won the debate Hooray! The question was Resolved: That an increase in the United States navy would be beneficial. One of the girls said that all the Seniors talked very slowly but the Juniors had so much to say that they had to talk just as fast as they could. Every one has gone wild over one of the Juniors for they say she was perfectly splendid.

To-day I have been to church. Just think it is the last time I go here for next Sunday is Baccalaureate & I can't go I suppose. Hard luck. If I was only in the choir now.

There was one of the most beautiful bon fires I have ever seen the other night up in the field where I could see it beautifully. There were a great many pine boughs & they had laid there until they were pretty dry & I tell you they burned. The Seniors go up Mt. Holyoke Tues. I suppose I shall have to write Marion a letter though perhaps the odd class will think of something original. You people who have been lamenting because I had lost my red cheeks need to feel badly no longer. My color is all anyone could possibly desire as far as redness goes. I suppose that cousin Fred is married now. I can't relize it until I see "Bertie". I think that $3 game set is the one we want don't you? I hardly think it is too much is it for he is a "nice Cousin Fred" you know.

I don't see much change in the food only we had a dandy lunch yesterday. Such [?] is food!

There don't seem to be much to write about. I can't tell you what I am going to do this week for I am planning on anything nice that comes along. There is a Bot. walk Wed. & I hope to go. There is one to-morrow but I guess I had better wait till after my paper is done.

Just think! I am coming home next week Wed. Extra dom work has been assigned & I have none. Hooray! My cold is getting over with. I don't expect to write any more letters except to you folks at home.

With much love to you all,