A Letter Written on Nov 23, 1905

Templeton, Nov. 23, 1905.

Dear Lucy,

I have been so busy this week that I have forgotten that I was going to write a line to you. It will be but few lines, for I am writing while I am getting breakfast and I want Mary to take it. Mary has been about sick with a cold and a bat tooth. I think she wrote you that that [sic] the last car from Athol comes gets here at 8-30, so your only way to get here Friday night will be to go to Orange, right after school, and take the electrics there. If you do that you must dress warm for the ride - put on gaiters and most of the clothes you have. I would not bring a trunk unless you have to. I should think you could get along without it, you will not need many things. Kit is no better - he is terribly poor and can hardly walk he is so weak.

Can't you arrive to stay till Monday morning? You would not be very late. Have some one meet you at the station and go right on it would not cost you as much as it would to go from Orange Sunday night and you could not be very late. Mr. C- ought to be willing. I must stop. Shall see you very soon. I hope.

Much love,