[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading.]South Hadley, Mass.,
Nov. 17, 1907.Dear Sister:-
I really don't know where to begin my tale but I guess I will start with Wed. I got up at six and did a little Chemistry and then went down and did my ironing and pressed my pink dress before breakfast. Dom. work & Chem. kept me busy until lunch time. Then my room looked so bad that I simply had to sweep and I did it up in good shape. I had about an hour then in which I studied hard before going to the Senior entertainment.
That was very entertaining. The Gym. was transformed into "Blue Dragon Park" for the afternoon. There was a band concert all the first part of the time & I don't believe I need to describe that to you. The Miraculous High Dive was done by a dummy who was pulled up to the top of the Gym - storied heights - and let down rapidly into a "forgetmenot" - Blue Depths. The stairs which go up to the gallery on one side were covered over with smooth boards and the girls sat down on them and slid down landing in sofa pillows - "Bump the Bumps." The Cave of the Winds was nothing remarkable. A portion of the gallery was screened off & covered by couch covers. You shook hands with Death, had some cotton or something shaken over you & went on your way rejoicing. The Crystal Maze was down among the lockers. Screens were put up & you were fondly supposed to lose your way but we didn't. Tea was served in Japanese Tea Rooms. In one of the side shows was the "only living lemon". When one went in of course she got a hug. Poor Mr. Hazen in his innocence wandered in. I was sorry for the girl who gave the hugs. Harriet Boutelle the President was dressed as a boy with gilt lettering on her coat. She had a cute little hat on & carried a cane. She looked too cute for anything. She walked around, urging people to buy and to see the sights. At 4:30 a vaudeville was given. I will tell about that when I get home.
Wed. evening if I remember rightly I studied. Thurs. A.M. Marion Ober, a Senior came up & asked if I would be willing to exchange dom. work for that day. I said yes & was delighted for I needed the time to spend on Math. Hers was to set three tables before lunch and get the milk & tea on the side tables. I really enjoyed it. I have exchanged again to-day. She told me afterwards that she worked as hard as she could sweeping & couldn't get hardly any dirt. She told Miss Smith (Matron) & she said that the women who clean the bath-rooms say they are kept in much better condition than they were last year Ahem!
Friday A.M. I arose about 5:15 & studied. And Sat. A.M I got up about 6:30. Perhaps you think I wasn't sleepy this morning. I have been abed for an hour and a half this afternoon and went to sleep. This is the first time I have been asleep when I lay down in the day-time since I came to college. I wanted to go to walk to-day but couldn't find anyone to go with & I guess the nap will do me more good.
Fri. the three Freshmen who sit at Miss Smith's table, Katherine, Alice & I (I don't know whether anyone else or not) received college notes like this -
Dinner will be served early for people with abnormal appetites. Come early & leave the table on time. Take this timely advice.
Anonymous.You would have thought we were following that advice if you had seen Alice & I out in the serving room after dinner to-day - each with a great dish of ice-cream. Also I [wish] you had seen us three Freshmen at breakfast. We all happened to sit to-gether at the table where Marion, Margaret & Leslie usually sit and there we can do about as we please. Leslie asked me to go out after more toast & when I took the plate she privately instructed me to get all I could.
Well to continue my story - the seats at the table were not all taken, the bananas were small & there were more than fourteen of them & the second picture
ofwas cream instead of milk as it usually is. Bananas & cream & toast made a delightful combination. Katherine ate four & Alice & I ate three apiece. Then when we left the dining room (which was only when we had to) there was a whole dish full on the Faculty table so Katherine & I took four more apiece. Mine were not all for myself however. Margaret got up at 6:30 to take her bath & waited around until breakfast time for water, then went done [sic] on the next floor & got about a teacupful of cold water. She didn't go down to breakfast naturally so Alice brought her up some toast & I got the bananas. She only ate two. Alice & I each had another one.We were to have Miss Couch yesterday in English as Miss Evans wished to be away. The night before she (Miss Couch) had an invitation to go to the Princeton-Yale game & went so I got out of a private conference & English alto-gether. If I wasn't glad. I had a far better
EnglishLatin lesson in consequence.Yesterday P.M. I went up to the Library & read magazines for half an hour. Horrible dictu! Somebody is going to read this week Wed. in the Library of the Masters and I wish to go.
Yesterday we had piles of sport at Gym. It was the day for games. We were divided into sides and at each end of the gym were squares so fashion
X guard X guard center X X guard X guard There was a girl in each square and a guard from the other side watching her. The guard couldn't step inside & the girl inside couldn't step out. I guess I have marked things to show which side was which. We had a ball like basket-ball & the object was to throw the ball so that the girl in the square could catch it. I was a guard & had a lively time part of the time. I enjoyed it muchly. My side won.
This A.M. Margaret & I put the room in order & really you wouldn't know it to be the same place. We had a fine minister - from Harvard I think. Miss Smith was away at dinner. All but one of the Sophomores were gone so I had the pleasure of waiting on table. I had to last night for Elizabeth Lindsay wasn't feeling well. The Seniors are sure to ask me to get things if they want anything so I have lively times but I can eat more if I keep running. I rather enjoy it.
Do I want to bring my owl home Thanksgiving? He will take up room. Shall I have to bring an umbrella. I had better wear my blue woolen, hadn't I? I suppose it is colder at home than it is here. The lake was pretty well skimmed over this A.M. & the ice has lasted all day. I shall have to bring my skates back Thanksgiving. Do you suppose I shall need my sweater under my coat on the train? I shall want it after I get home. I had a dandy long letter from Eva this week. I hope Uncle is feeling better. Was his poor turn the affects of the Springfield trip? Did you have a good time at the Wellington Club? Has Cousin Emma starved yet?
I must stop & write to some other folks.
With lots of love to you all,
From MollyTell Auntie I got the clothes all right & they seemed good. The box was broken all to pieces. Mrs. Wilder is spending Sunday with Marion[.]