[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading.]South Hadley, Mass.,
Nov. 15, 1907.Dear Sister:-
I can't write much for I am awfully busy & that spread is to-night & between times I am chasing the house over for a vase & candlesticks.
There is a Students' League Meeting to-night which I suppose I shall have to attend. The lecture last night on Geometry was great & I didn't go to sleep so I consider it a success. Miss Trueblood had some old, old books which she showed us. One of them had the little figures which folded up so real little solid geometry figures were formed.
8:15 P.M. The spread & Students' League
isare things of the past so I guess I will write about them as they are fresh in my mind. After racing the house over I found four brass (?) candlesticks and a glass vase. While I was writing the first part of this letter soemone came to the door & I looked up and it was Margaret Everts with some candles. Of all looking rooms this was the worst for Margaret & I have been so busy that we have just dumped our things down. I saw her give one look around & you can imagine she saw everything there was to be seen. One thing consoles me - she didn't get a good look at my desk.We got a dozen lovely pale pink pinks for Miss Smith & they were sent to me to make matters less complicated. Elizabeth Lindsay & I were to fix the table but as she was late I went down & got the flowers there. I was fixing them when Margaret came in She wanted to know about the cake & went up to Katherine's room after it. I stayed in the dining a minute or two after she went & then followed her & met - Miss Smith bringing some flowers which she had sent to her down to the table. I flew up to Katherine's room & Margaret & I just looked at each other until words came. It did seems [sic] too bad when we had planned to have it such a surprise. Poor Margaret felt terribly over it. But it couldn't be helped. Miss Smith got one surprise though for the girls had invited a Miss Turner ( faculty or something of the sort) to be present as there was a vacant place for Marion Hoyt was busy superintending another birthday spread. The place cards had little spruce trees on them. I guess I told you about those Miss Smith has - six in one saucer. Miss Turner had with her a book - ["]How to tell birds from flowers", which was highly entertaining. Then we had ice cream and a big birthday cake with twelve candles on it.
After it was all over we all except Miss Smith and Miss Turner adjourned to the kitchen & did dishes & I am very much afraid that the Seniors did more work than the
interrest of us did for we were very much interested in some pieces of squash pie.At the League Meeting reports were given by Marion Osbourne & Leslie
StuartStewart. (Pres.) who attended the conference of the colleges who have student government at Vassar. Where is that place? The Green Room Committee is to be abolished as the Dramatic Club has charge of those things now.Yesterday I was the only one of my Gym class present. There are only three of us any way and the other two were gone. The instructor wanted to know if I didn't have a sister graduate here two or three years ago. There was enough resemblance, she said, between us so she thought we were sisters. She gave me some exercises to help straighten me. I had to walk the rail and climb up on the side & hang by my hands. I never supposed I could do that. For my breathing exercises as I was the only present I had the pleasure of
layinglying on the table.There is lots more to tell but I can't stop. I will enclose Auntie's letter. [no longer present] Probably she wrote the same to you but it won't cost anything. I hope that Uncle & Cousin Emma aren't in a starving condition yet. A week from next Tuesday!
With lots of love to you all,
From Molly.