South Hadley, Mass.,
Oct. 4, 1907.Dear Sister:-
I really don't know whether it is your turn or Auntie's to get a letter but I don't suppose it makes much difference.
I have seen the head of the Chemistry department and she told me to appear in the laboratory at 9 Wed. A.M. and they will give me a test experiment and
itif I seem to know how to set up the apparatus etc. they won't give me much to do but if I don't they will. Woe! There is nothing I can do to prepare for it so I can only smile. But I want some suggestions How can I do my domestic work, wash, sweep my room and do that Lab work Wed. A.M. and then be ready to do what the whole college does in the P.M. go to walk. It passes my comprehension[.]We had our first class meeting to-night and it lasted from quarter of five to six. Sarah Streeter, a girl in Wilder, was elected class chairman after much voting and revoting. A girl by the name of Larnard was elected secretary. I don't know her but she looks nice. She rooms in Mead I think. Wilder certainly is the "Hall of Fame." When we came out of the assembly hall, there were the Juniors lined up so we had to pass single file down stairs between the lines. They were singing "My heart's with the yellow"; "My heart's with the Freshmen" and "Streeter is the girl for me". It was quite thrilling. They presented us with a great yellow banner with 1911 on it.
I have ordered my gym suit at Miss Preston's. She said it would [be] between $5 and $5.50. That is the way the money goes. I have a laboratory fee for Botany to pay - only $2. I had to get a new English book here that Ginn didn't publish $1.10. I can rent for a year
ofor two and then sell it and so I shall not be much out.Miss Bacon is sick so a real French woman is taking her place. She teaches and talks much different from Miss Bacon but we like her better. We are thinking of writing Miss B- not on any account to come back too soon.
Margaret's father came clear from New York to see her. Wasn't that fine? I got acquainted with a Freshman yesterday who knows Lottie Lane. She is teaching History in Troy this year.
They were telling at table that Miss Woolley has been elected to the senate of the chapter of ΦΒΚ in the United States - the first woman to have that honor. She is at home to the Freshmen next Thurs. P.M. Shall I go? Which would you rather have -
twofairly long letters twice a week or three shorter ones? Some way it seems to me that you would prefer the latter.The flowers arrived safely this A.M. Thank you very much. They look lovely. I had a letter from Ruth to-day and one from Bessie yesterday.
They didn't say anything at my physical examination but to hold my head up.
I filled my pen yesterday and got it screwed on so tight that I can't get it off. What shall I do if time doesn't improve it? The ink didn't flow good yesterday but it is all right to-day.
I drew mushrooms with out number to-day. I hardly know whether to label them or not. I think I was told to. Strange! Math is awful. I can't get a bit through my head but perhaps wisdom will come. I can't imagine planes floating around in space.
Will Helen try to go back to school? How does Dorothy get along?
It just poured here this A.M. but was lovely this P.M. I will tell you again don't get onesome. I shall be home in less than seven weeks now. My ear seems to be all well now. I have had a cold but it wasn't at all bad and I am about over it now. Take care of yourself and the folks. Give them my love.
With love,
From Molly