[A few paragraph marks were added for ease of reading]Templeton, Mass
Le vingt sept janvierDear Sister:-
As usual I have nothing to write but I suppose you would like to have me go through the ceremony. I have just written quite a lengthy epistle to Helen and that has exhausted my ideas entirely.
First & foremost Mrs. Skerrye was at church to-day. Wasn't it mean of her to come last Sunday night so that the common folks would have to wait a week before they saw her? She makes me think a little of Carrie's mother. She isn't very tall, has rather small features and lots of black hair. I did not meet her but she seems very pleasant & those who have seen her like her. Herbert Maynard sat with her, why - I know not. He behaved pretty well for him but the best is none too good. One of her own boys was there. He seemed like a very quiet little chap. Mr. Skerrye suggested that a committee be appointed to see about the installation so I suppose that will take place before long. There was a conference at Marlborough Thursday - that terrible cold day. Mr. Skerrye told a little about it and said that they were warmly welcomed with in though not without.
I sat with Clara to-day as she was going to sit alone & we were so near to-gether. Inez and Madeline finally came & sat with us. I think Mr Skerrye must have been looking for me for when I got there he was standing right by the door to greet me. Mrs. John Brooks was a[t] church for the first time in four weeks. She has had quite a time of it. I saw Charlie and he said that Gladys was no worse so I feel better for she had quite a cold when she was here. Ted and his mother were at church. Mrs. Lynde & Constance were at church. Arthur Greenwood came home Wed. & goes back either to-night or in the morning. I had a postal from Carrie the first of the week saying that she was coming Sat to stay until Wed. so I am going up there to-morrow. I haven't heard from Roger since he telephoned. I guess he is mad. I sent him the little verse about the exam. last week so he may think he has reason to be.
I have been working with chlorine up in chemistry until it seems as if I had swallowed a quart. It does smell like everything. It is comical to see first one & then another run to the window for fresh air. I have also been working with iodine so my apron is a picture "no artist could paint." In Drawing I am making a candle-shade. I think I shall give it to Auntie for Easter. I had to make a design for it. Imagine my distress!! It looks quite well though & everybody likes it so I feel encouraged.
Auntie went yesterday in spite of the storm. She missed the car she wanted to take because she thought one would go up before one came down & the first she knew two went skating down. She took the next one, however, and expected to get a train between twelve & one so I suppose she landed in Boston some time yesterday.
I tell you I am getting to be quite a cook. Last week when Mama was sick I made a cake, three loaves of brown bread & two pies. Yesterday I made a cake, three loaves of brown bread & some apple-sauce. I started to make a Lincoln cake & then, just for an experiment, I put in some raisons [sic] & some spice. The raisins sunk but didn't go through the bottom of the tin & the cake is real good. I made some peppermints to-day by Mrs. Scollay's rule & they are fine.
With love,
Molly.Mama says that she hasn't found the pieces but thought that this might answer.