A Letter Written on Jun 18, 1905

Sunday Afternoon
June 18. 1905

Dear Ella

We are all out on the piazza. Uncle with his Sunday paper Mary in the hammock part of the time[.] We are eating peanuts. I intended to have given you some to take with you _ To go back to where you left me at Otter River will say_ I walked over to Mr Lords_ Mr. L & Lizzie had gone to Gardner and Bessie was home alone_ Spent half an hour with her, then came home & made the beds and did the dishes & got supper_ Mary came home at 6:15_ Looking pretty tired and did not want any supper, only a glass of milk_ After supper Ruth came over & they were out in the hammock till eight or after, and she seemed to feel better_ Yesterday, she looked and acted tired but did the washing and ironing she had planned_

So you think the house is all slicked up_ You wouldn't if you should stop in_ Saturday I swept & dusted the back parlor and that is all that has been done so far. After dinner yesterday I thought I would take my bath and then go down & call on Miss Coolidge. About half past two it commenced to shower and kept it up till night, so I gave it up.

This morning Mary was not very anxious to go to church and so I got ready and went to Gardner at 10:30 and came back at 1:15_

Found Miss Hopkins & Lottie F_ at Hatties so we had quite a reunion_ Hattie gave me a very pretty little picture for my birthday.

Yesterday we had ham for dinner. This morning we had griddle cakes, but they were no good. Guess they "floored" Uncle for Mary said he was in the lounge most all the forenoon. We had eggs and some very nice bread & butter_ bananas and a very good custard pie for our dinner_ You see I am taking your advice and getting along easy_

Uncle seems better this afternoon, he has been out here all the afternoon_ He hoed his garden yesterday & hurried to get it done before the shower_

Dont know as I ever can saw it rain any faster than it did yesterday, afternoon[.] We wondered if you were having one there and if you and Lucy were out in it_ Have had a very good one this afternoon, but it was short and not such lightning. And its so hot Uncle thinks there will be another_ It has been awful hot ever since you went away_ Hope it will be a little cooler for Wednesday I have slept in your room every night or tried to_ Thought the rats would tear the house down last night.

I picked three roses this afternoon_ I felt so sorry I forgot to send Lucy some pansies.

This is not much of a letter_ I have had to stop every other thing and kill mosquitoes_ and drive the Brooks dog out &c_ but you will have lots of time to pick it out.

How did you find Lucy? All tired out

Have a good time and write often

Lots of love to yourself & Lucy.

[no signature but presumably from Auntie]

Many happy returns of the day. You may have a birthday proper when you get home.