Templeton, Mass.,
Jan. 31, 1903.Dear Lucy:-
Mama says to tell you if your white waist needs washing to send it home if you can get it here by Monday night and if any of your other woolen waists need washing to send them too and she will send them back by Auntie. She can dry so much better than you can. Mama says to tell you that she is trying to get breakfast with a room so full of smoke that she has to keep her eyes shut so she couldn't write very well. I suppose you saw that the High School Cadets were going to give the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh." Linnie, Bessie, Helen, and I are going this afternoon. I saw Burton Kendall yesterday in school. He was in my room for half a period but he didn't see me and he was gone at recess. Must stop and carry this to the office.
With love.