Templeton April 28/03Dear Lucy
Mamma is writing this for me, as I am feeling so bad I havent got the strength. it [sic] has turned into a low fever & I don't know when I shall get up, the Baby is supposed to look like me so everyone says, she is an average a quiet Baby & weighted 7 1/2 lbs when born. I have had quite a number of callers & they have brought me several things for Baby 2 pair of socks & a puff. write [sic] as soon as you can as I enjoy your letters so much
your loving friend Edie
N.B. Mamma had to cut my hair off - as it made my head ache so.
[On the reverse side of the sheet, Edie's mother penned her own words to Lucy.]
Dear Lucy, Edie has been a very sick girl but not owing directly to her confinement, but to a shock she had to her nerves which relates to Andrew. Dr Greenwood said she could not stand many more like that she will tell you no doubt about it when she is stronger, one more of his cruel, cruel treatment, of a sensitive girl. I have not taken off my clothes since the Baby was born, am some what tired but hope to get Edie on her feet & so don't care, I think you will see her, as I don't think her able to study or work for some time yet. write same as ever & when she can't I will try to answer you
your sincere friend,
D. C. Braithwaite