A Letter Written on Feb 1, 1903

Templeton, Mass.,
Feb. 1, 1903.

Dear Lucy:-

I could write bushes and bushels about the "Drummer Boy." It was just lovely. Probably you know the main story but I will tell you who were in it. James Walsh was Farmer Howard, Thomas Barry was Mart Howard and Miss Ryan was his wife. They were both just perfect. W. Byron was Harry Howard. Louis Petts Johonny [sic] Howard, the Drummer Boy, Walter Flowler was Major Rutledge and just think we were glad when he was killed. Frank Rutledge was H. C. Nail one of the owners of the play. He was the villain. In one place in the Andersonville prison when the soldiers got in and set the prisoners free the villain was not around but in a few minutes Bates landed him in. You ought to have heard them clap then and also when he was killed. They say that he is a real nice fellow realy [sic] but in the play he is mean enough. Farmer Eliot was John Howard & his wife Bertha McGee and his son Tom, Roy Hutchinson. They all did fine. Will Smith was Gilbert Hunting & Fattie Smith was John Brown. Do you know him? Uncle Joe was A. F. Nail. Mother Howard was Bessie Douglas. She spoiled one place by laughing when she should have been crying. Jennie Howard was Maud Shippee and Mrs. Rutledge was Mrs. Potter. Bates & Dawson were captains. Capt. Potter was Col. Robinson. I tell you Bates did fine. He looked almost out of place he was so straight & tall. Gene was sometimes a Union & sometimes a Confederate soldier. The saddest place was in prison when Johonny was killed but we were cheered when the villain was killed. In our program's [sic] were pictures of Bates, Arthur & Howard Greenwood, Douglass, Tandy, Hemenway & Garland alto-gether. Will tell more when you come home.

With love.