A Letter Written around May 26, 1903

My dear Lucy:-

Your nice long letter received and I am always so glad to hear from you.

About an hour ago I went up stairs and took a bath - planning for a good long nap. Well, if you'd beleive [sic] it I was hardly stretched out on the bed before Bang! came a clap of thunder and I came down stairs very nearly as suddenly as did the thunder.

Yesterday Mother and I cleaned the sitting room and to-day have felt too tired to do much.

It will seem good to have you home again and my intentions are good for being more neighborly than last year.

Mr. Braithwaite was in yesterday and said Edith was improving. I fear she has been having quite a hard time -

Friday I went over to see Miss Lord and she showed me some physical culture exercises. I try to practice but it is so warm.

Blanche Dudley was up Saturday and said their house was struck by lightening [sic] the night before. It played many freaks around their kitchens.

Mr. Lane's death is very sad and sudden, isn't it? I wish you were here to usher with me to-morrow, at the funeral.

John Dwight is home and looks dreadfully. I must close & get supper.
