A Letter Written on Mar 15, 1903

Dear Lucy:-

I forgort [sic] the most important thing when I wrote Friday, namely what I got on my report card.

Latin E,    Eng. Lit. G+
history E+    Eng. Com. G+
Algebra E+    Drawin[g] D.
Conduct E
Times absent 0Times Tardy 0

I am very proud of it particularly the Drawing. Bessie got D in Algebra but it was on the work we had when she was out which she hadn't made up so Miss Cobleigh is going to give her an exam. in it.

This is the sixth letter I have written to-day. Mrs. Parker brought Mama a chain letter and so I have to answer it. That made four (as I had to write to three friends & send the addresses to the women herself) and write an "invite" to the party (I finally invited Willie Hawkes instead of Charlie as they are all sick at his house) and now to you. Mama got my blouse done Sat. "It is a wonder and nothing less." It has a tape in the bottom of it & when I untie it and let it down it looks just like a dressing sack. I want Linnie to take my picture with it on & send it to Auntie. You will be home pretty soon to see the original. I am trying to decide whether I want a white pique or a flannel waist for Sat night. Mama wants me to have a new one. I suppose you will all wear green Tuesday won't you?

Your sister