A Letter Written on Nov 20, 1905

Ginn & Company, Publishers
School and College Text-Books
Boston. New York. Chicago. London.

29 Beacon Street,
Boston, 11/20

Dear Lucy:

Your letter rec'd this morning, and am sending you the Key - you gave no address so will send to New Salem H.S. and hope will reach you safely - am sorry can give you no discount on this book, but when you are through with it you can return it for half price - but need never return it if prefer to keep it -

Think you must be kept very busy with so many recitations, am glad you enjoy it and hope your strength will hold out - suppose you will have a short vacation Thanksgiving -

I shall go home for the day. If this Key is not what you want you can return it to me - there is no charge for the postage - price of book is 50¢. You can send stamps or let Caroline pay me some time - whatever is most convenient for you -

Hattie A Coolidge