A Letter Written on Aug 12, 1905

Templeton, Aug. 12, 1905.

Dear Lucy,

This card came today as I thought I could not get word to you in season to answer it before Miss J- left home, I have written to her to say that I thought you would be home Wed. and invited her to come here Thurs. and stay for a few days. Was that right? I did not quite know what to do and as you spoke of coming Wed. I did that. I asked her to send her Fitchburg address so that if you could not come that day I could let her know: so you must let me know in season to do so. I thought Miss Coolidge might be here Friday or Sat.

I can't write much as it is nearly mail time and I want to get these in. I have just got home from Athol - had a nice ride. We had a big shower yesterday - it poured from about 4-30 till past eight, thunder & lightning thrown in. I don't know about the reception - it rained so no one would go. The lawn party did not amount to much. no band and but few people compared with other years. I stayed about 3/4 of an hour.

I must stop for the car is going up - don't think I shall write again - am all right -

Much love,