A Letter Written on Jun 5, 1907

Gardner, Mass., June 5, 1907.

Miss Carry A. Mathew,
Templeton, Mass.

Dear Madam:

I enclose you two receipts [no longer with the letter] which I think will explain themselves. Please have Lucy M. Baker sign each one, and mail same to me and I will send you a check for $71.78, payable to Lucy M. Baker, and also a check for $143.59, payable to Lucy M. Baker, executor of the will of Agusta [sic] L. Loraine Loring. If you will call at the office this week Friday or Saturday morning and sign the necessary receipts as guardian of Mary L. Baker, I will deliver to you a check of $71.78 which is the share of Mary L. Baker, in the estate of Joseph L. Baker.

Very truly yours,
Geo. R. Warfield.