[Notice to File Inventory]
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Office of the Tax Commissioner
State House, Room 235, BostonJune [sic] 30, 190-
To Lucy M. Baker, Admin
Templeton.Dear Sir:-
Your attention is respectfully directed to section 13 of chapter 563 of the Acts of the year 1907, which reads as follows:
SECTION 13. An inventory and appraisal under oath of every estate shall be filed in the probate court or with the tax commissioner by the executor, administrator or trustee within three months after his appointment. If he neglects or refuses to file such inventory and appraisal he shall be liable to a penalty of not more than one thousand dollars, which shall be recovered by the tax commissioner for the use of the Commonwealth, and the register of probate shall notify the tax commissioner within thirty days after the expiration of said three months of the failure of any executor, administrator, or trustee to file an inventory and appraisal in his office.The register of probate for Worcester County advises me that the inventory of the estate of Ella C. Baker, late of Templeton, has not been filed in his office within the three months prescribed by said section, and I do not find a copy of such inventory in the files of this department. You are respectfully requested to give this matter immediate attention.
Respectfully yours,
William D. T. Trefry,
Tax Commissioner[The letter appears to be dated clearly in June, but the envelope is postmarked in two different towns in January.]